Posted on Dec 31, 2023
Study Finds COVID Vaccination Independently Associated With Long COVID Syndrome
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 3
Again my shocked face.
I know Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed, but the entire medical establishment, federal government, and the states governments pushed this crap based on prior MRNA vaccines. Consequences be damned, and that including killing people.
I know Trump pushed Operation Warp Speed, but the entire medical establishment, federal government, and the states governments pushed this crap based on prior MRNA vaccines. Consequences be damned, and that including killing people.
I pushed the envelope yesterday. I visited with my older sister. She is currently in Covid Quarantine. I've never had the vax or a positive test. Waiting to see how this works out.
This is just one more reason not to listen to the govt. alphabet orginizations, The WHO, CDC any one associated with the corrupt political parties, especially the democrat/comunist party. All that these bureocrats care about is lining theit pocket with profits from investing in untested drugs.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Gets me that Fauci gets an enormous pension after telling lies about COVD for years. He should be in prison.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
You're both right. Fauci should also be required to pay compensation . . .
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