Posted on Dec 22, 2023
Two Army drill sergeants died 8 days apart at Fort Jackson
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 3
Such sad outcomes for Soldiers who worked hard to get to become a trainer of Soldiers. Prayers to their families.
Such a shame. In my three years as a drill sergeant at Ft. Dix, NJ I never heard of a single DS suicide. There were a few who got caught having sex with recruits. Their careers ended abruptly, except one female drill I caught having sex with a female hold over. Since basically she had already graduated and was waiting on her security clearance so she could attend the AIT, they didn’t destroy the DS. The moved her to a different unit to cover it up. Yep different standards even in the early 80’s.
SPC Matt Ovaska
There were around 60 females in board the first Navy assignment. 30+ returned back pregnant. Bring back the WACS and the WAVES so females can serve honorably. Co ED is a bad idea.
SPC Matt Ovaska
At Ft. Jackson we had daily suicides. They would jump of the water tower on tank hill.
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