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Responses: 5
LTC Trent Klug
Quick questions. How many megawatts or gigawatts of electricity did this plant generate? How many solar panels will or are in place to replace the electricity generated by this plant? Where are those solar panels located?

My guess is there aren't enough solar panel arrays anywhere near big enough to provide the same amount of energy this plant does or did. My guess is there are nowhere near enough storage batteries to save the energy collected to power 65 million customers during a constant period of a day, week, or year.

The 'green energy' gangs are driving us back to pre-industrial revolution status.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
10 mo
And when a cloud blocks the light To solar panels or when a cloud blocks the light from the solar panels, you need to have a natural gas or coal. Fired power plantts taken to slack, especially at night When it's 90° out after sunset.

Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen PO3 Shayne Seibert Lt Col Charlie Brown 1SG Russell Scott LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
10 mo
LTC (Join to see) The bid secret they always forget to say is how much land is needed for the hundreds of solar panels needed to generate electricity.
For a one megawatt farm, you would need an area roughly 30 acres by forty acres., or a quarter mile by almost a quarter mile sized area.

For one megawatt, you would need 5000 200 watt solar panels, or 1000 1000 watt solar panels.
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
Sierra Club is an Eco-Terrorist group. Always have been and always will be. Their stated goal is the elimination of fossil fuels and Coal, no matter the cost. They don't really know a damn thing about the environment other than what "Studies" say. Their group is directly responsible for the prevention of grooming forests that have ultimately burned millions of acres and destroyed thousands of homes.
Shutting down coal plants will drive up energy prices and leave millions without heat. They know it, but don't care. The cult of green energy is without remorse.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
People are going to die from cold this winter
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