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Responses: 4
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
11 mo
SFC (Join to see)

I understand why FACTS offended people and their groups.

FACTS lead to ACCOUNTABILITY which most are to coward to step into because they lack INTELLECTUAL INTEGRITY, MORAL INTEGRITY, ETHICAL INTEGRITY.

FACTS over beliefs/feelings/opinions.

V1 : https://youtu.be/5BXtgq0Nhsc?si=GT6hOmhkp2WCB9ji

1.) Noam Chomsky - The Crimes of U.S.

“If the American statesmen and bureaucrats who designed the war in Vietnam were held to the standards of Nuremberg and Manila then there would be a very strong possibility that they would come to the same end that General Yamashita did.”
General Telford Taylor — Chief prosecuting counsel for the U.S. at the Nuremberg trials.”

If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied…

SOURCE : https://chomsky.info/1990____-2/

2.) April 10, 2023
Presidential Crimes
Trump’s indictment and arrest break with decades of executive impunity.

Boston Review
* Law and Justice, Politics, U.S.

SOURCE : https://www.bostonreview.net/reading-list/presidential-crimes/

3.) Noam Chomsky – The Crimes of U.S. Presidents

From Panama to the Persian Gulf: U.S. War Crimes and the Mass Media

Transcript: Noam Chomsky on The Imperial Presidency | Jan 29, 2005

SOURCE : https://www.tvo.org/transcript/907563/noam-chomsky-on-the-imperial-presidency
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
CPL LaForest Gray - You said: "From understanding the limited opinions and viewpoints … of SFC Bernard Walko

Then logically EVERY WHITE DOMESTIC TERRITORIST HATE GROUP IN THE USA should be treated like HAMAS & Palestine as a whole?" and a bunch of other stuff...

CPL Gray, good luck getting anyone to sift through all the material you provided. Honest conversation and debate doesn’t work that way. It seems you rely on a bunch of media posts sprinkled with loose comments.

I try to explain digesting material and then explaining your thoughts to others why you believe the way you do in a comprehensive way “in your own words” using values in the correct context everyone can agree with. Your technique of providing links to 15 sites, if I counted correctly, and commenting in ways that sometimes aren’t crystal clear, doesn’t provide a clear conversation to anyone you are speaking with; in this case me. If I were a betting man, I would wager a lot of folks just don’t respond after you bombarde them with too much information at one time. In my world that’s not how a good conversation takes place. I’m sorry I just don’t have the sort of time to invest in reading what you provided. It would take hours. Thanks for thinking of me.
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
11 mo
SFC (Join to see) It’s NEVER been a debate nor an argument.

I provide the FACTS, what you and others do or do not do with those FACTS doesn’t fall on me, nor do I care.

Again debunk the FACTS.

I DO NOT care about :

Beliefs/Feelings/Nor Opinions … Also logically and Intellectually it would be asinine to argue or debate ANY PERSON about their “beliefs/feelings/opinions” as those are grounded in emotional attachment and emotional intelligence (*).

1.) fact

Synonyms of fact
: something that has actual existence
space exploration is now a fact

: an actual occurrence
prove the fact of damage

: a piece of information presented as having objective reality
These are the hard facts of the case.

: the quality of being actual : ACTUALITY
a question of fact hinges on evidence

: a thing done: such as
accessory after the fact

archaic : ACTION
obsolete : FEAT


in fact
: in truth
He looks younger, but in fact, he is 60 years old.

* actuality
* factuality
* materiality
* reality

SOURCE : https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fact
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
CPL LaForest Gray Much of the information in the links you provide are questionable when put into context of what we’re speaking about. If you want to call all information facts, well that’s your tight. I personally don’t see it that way. Take Care.
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LTC John Shaw
Happy to see that even wealthy Alumni care about how the money they send to Ivy League school is spent. The American University system went off the rails many years ago. The first amendment is critical to let people say what they want to say. This is how we find out the Ivy League school students are anti-Semitic.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
In our universities it’s been in the makings for a long time now. I witnessed it in the mid 70’s when we started making protected classes of people. Say something wrong… and off with your head!
LTC John Shaw
LTC John Shaw
11 mo
SFC (Join to see) - I was in college in the 80s and 90s. I taught college in 2000s and did not see this type of extremism in Ohio. Let's hope our Universities can find the balance of free speech and advocacy.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
11 mo
LTC John Shaw I’m not saying extremism, I’m saying you didn’t say anything against the protected classes of people or you were looked at differently. I believe it was the very beginning of what we see today. With the instant communication with massive amounts of people we have today it was the logical next step for some to try to control their opponents.
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LTC Trent Klug
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