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The School of General Studies (GS) is the undergraduate college at Columbia University specifically dedicated to students taking a nontraditional path to a traditional, rigorous, Ivy League education. GS students include students with work or life experience, students completing a second bachelor’s degree, and students enrolled in dual or joint bachelor’s degree programs. GS is also home to the oldest and largest Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program in the United States.

Why study here
Since World War II, the School of General Studies has served veterans who interrupted their education to serve their country. Like these military service women and men, most students at GS have, for personal or professional reasons, interrupted their education, never attended college, or can only attend part-time. They bring a wealth of life experience to the classroom, and contribute in a unique way to the diversity and cultural richness of the University.

Veteran friendly programs
From a student's first semester, throughout his or her undergraduate career, and extending into the graduate's professional life, the transforming impact of a Columbia education is evident. We find that women and men from the United States Armed Forces have been and continue to be excellent candidates for our degree program.
Please visit the Miltiary Veterans section of this site to learn more about our unique college, the opportunities offered by the Columbia undergraduate program, and how to take advantage of your benefits as a U.S. military veteran at Columbia. We are very proud of our tradition of educating women and men from the armed services, and we hope to continue that tradition long into the future.
Most recent contributors: Capt Brandon Charters