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Responses: 7
MSgt Dale Johnson
Yea, that'll get Sleepy Joe another 4 years, I hope they show it a LOT!
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SSgt David M.
Hi All My Fellow Veterans. Having dealt with the mental issues of Alzheimers with my late Dad; I can tell you that the anger issues are difficult to deal with. My Mom had to deal with this as the care giver for my Dad for his last 10 years or so. Once my Dad was bedridden things improved for my Mom as Dad was no longer able to just walk out the door. Living on a rural farm has it's good points but try getting outside aide! My Mom is now almost 92 and going slow but steady. I wish that someone could find a cure for this terrible illness as no one, even the President of the US should never have to go through this. This is a health care issue not a political one! I Salute All My Fellow Veterans!!! GOD Bless America!!!
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
1 y
SSgt David M. and A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - Children and Grandchildren who experience that sorrow when young are often motivated to, if not go into medicine, then to at least become aware of pitfalls within the environment that contribute to illnesses developing, which everyone seems to overlook, particularly those who are creating them.
That would be things like air, soil, water pollution from industrial pollution; damaging chemical ingredients in food, and pesticide residue; outgassing from everything that goes into building new homes, also new rugs, furniture etc; the statistics about EMF damage from cell phones, smart meters, nearby power stations - all of which shout either intentional or not well-enough researched before loosed on the public to over-stress and weaken immune systems and do slow incremental health damage. And this only scratches the surface of what is overlooked as sloppy science - or worse given all the chemicals proven to cause cumulative damage in people, refusal to chemicals known to be damaging at least in food and water - children being particularly vulnerable.
One of the few good thing I can attest to as a result of a younger cousin dying throughout our middle school years, was knowing it was thought to be due to environmental factors, and starting to pay attention to them.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 y
Absolutely True Some Times. But Scott, My Nephew, Had Leukemia At 6 Months Of Age; And My Niece, Susan, Of 50 Was A Health Fanatic In Every Way Known And Lived Most Of Her Life In Panama, Were Most Food & Supplies Were Fresh Daily And Grown Chemical Free.. ...Jim Had Stopped Smoking At Least 20 Years Previously, And Was The Only One To Have Had Lung Cancer, While Most Of Us Were Smoking. ... Mom Smoke Up To The Day She Dropped Dead, But Never Had Issues With Her Lungs...While Other Die Of Lung Cancer, While Having Lived In Great Environments And DID Encounter It....
If You Happen To Know Doctors On A Personal, Instead Of Professional Level, You'd Be Amazed At What They Have To Say; And It Doesn't Go Along With What They Must Tell Their Patients...Not Even Close, And It Comes From Years Of Experience..
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
1 y
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney Well of course health depends on much more then what I mentioned that we know is a problem. And individual nutritional needs for a strong immune system (but not damagingly strong) are exactly that - individual. Plus, emotional and spiritual health play into health big time, good sleep, the list goes on . . .
I know that's true about m.d.s, not knowing m.d.s personally - because there are plenty of retired m.d.s who educate folks with excellent information in YouTube videos, saying they want to tell folks what they wished they could have told their patients. And when I already had read in depth about some of some of them say, I know they love being able to be the healers they were probably motivated to go into medicine to be, before the health care system hobbled them in some ways.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 y
SGT Mary G. -
Thanks For Helping To Clear That Up.
When Additional Information's Provided,
It Does Make A Difference.
When I Went Into Business, It Was Designed To Serve Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers & CPA's;That's How I Became To Gather Different Information. My Primary Physician, Hugo Saenz, Was From Cuba & Used Some Very Different Ways Of Treating Some Conditions Which Worked Well, But Weren't Recognized By The AMA Until Years Later.... NOW This Your Gonna Love, When I Had A Scalp Condition, A VA Dermatologist Had The Same & Told Me "This Condition Isn't Curable, But It Is Treatable". After A Couple Months Of Spreading The Medication On My Head, I Contacted My Sister-in-Law, In Panama, Who Followed Through By Contacting A Jungle Physician....With One Treatment Of What He Recommended..."PRAISE JESUS, I'd Been HEALED", !! LOL...
So I Contacted My VA Doctor; His Response: (Paraphrased) "OH, I Guess My Diagnose May Have Been Incorrect, Because That Wouldn't Work.". Although He Never Bothered Trying The Treatment Nor Even Looking Into It. Yet He Already "Knew" It Couldn't Work...
~ Rick~
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SGT Mary G.
Poor, dear Jill. She has a difficult cross to bear! Good satire usually conveys a message.

How about . . . people with passionate firey seeming tempers (God help all the Fire signs who have them well under control lol), and/or unique personalities or interests not deemed "politcally correct" , better work on them before they are officially considered to be "old" or rue the day they chose not to! Many of today's youth coming of age are vicious about folks a generation and more older. being the source of all problems in our nation!
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