Posted on Aug 1, 2023
Parent Sues After Orchestra Teacher Holds Assembly to Announce Gender Transition
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Oh geez. What crap. Is every God dang teacher wanting to confuse and screw over the kids today? Time to ire every damn one of them and hire actual human beings.
PO3 Edward Riddle
SPC (Join to see) - I think someone "transitioning from one sex to another" is about as mentally ill as you can get. It's just a bunch of sick, sick people acting out some kind of fantasy. A male has no idea what it's like to be a woman and vice versa. It's all made up in their sick little minds.
LTC Trent Klug
SPC (Join to see) Hey John, facetious doesn't come through in print as it does in person, so my apologies.
I could care less how a person lives. You want to man acting as a women? Great. Have at it. A women wants to live as a man. No problem. They're adults. Have at it.
Pushing it in schools? That's a whole different story. This push to confuse kids and to destroy what is a woman or man is another step in the long journey of destroying a kid's childhood. It is grooming of the worst order.
The world has always been a hard and cruel master. People of all manners and sizes are murdered every day. Most are killed because of their life choices, and it's not just supposed transgenders who are experiencing it.
This push to inculcate people into accepting transgenderism is wrong and it's wrecking mentally fragile people and especially kids who don't even know who they are. They just are responding to someone purportedly knowing what will help them 'find their way'.
I could care less how a person lives. You want to man acting as a women? Great. Have at it. A women wants to live as a man. No problem. They're adults. Have at it.
Pushing it in schools? That's a whole different story. This push to confuse kids and to destroy what is a woman or man is another step in the long journey of destroying a kid's childhood. It is grooming of the worst order.
The world has always been a hard and cruel master. People of all manners and sizes are murdered every day. Most are killed because of their life choices, and it's not just supposed transgenders who are experiencing it.
This push to inculcate people into accepting transgenderism is wrong and it's wrecking mentally fragile people and especially kids who don't even know who they are. They just are responding to someone purportedly knowing what will help them 'find their way'.
SPC (Join to see)
LTC Trent Klug - Trent, I'm not disagreeing with your perceptions of things. At the same time, there are children who already know that they are "different" and are not like the majority. It makes me think of them. And no one deserves to be murdered. Blaming the victim for their being murdered is difficult for me to consider. But, again, I respect you and your posts. I think you are a good man.
SPC (Join to see)
PO3 Edward Riddle - Edward, we can agree to disagree. In my working years, I was a psychotherapist and there is a large book called, "The Diagnostic Statistical Manual" or the DSM. This book includes all the possible mental disorders that a human being can have. This book does not list transgenders as mentally ill. Nor does it list GLBTs as mentally ill. Mental illness has to do with a human being not being able to function in a job, in a family, in a school, and in other social institutions. The thing is, a person who has the genitalia of a male but senses in his heart that he is NOT a male, FEELS female. It's not ". . . .all made up. . . ." although I can understand that it would seem this way to you and to the vast majority of people. It's the same with GLBT human beings. What man in his right mind would want to be with another man and perform fellatio on him? Or to be anally penetrated by him? Or two women together, sexually? But there are people who are like this and they are not considered "sick" or diseased. I know that it can be scary to consider these different kinds of human beings as part of the human race, but they are. Again, as I have said in previous responses within this thread, I respect you and I respect your perceptions. I am not EVER going to argue with you about how you think and about how you feel about things, Edward. I appreciate exactly how you are today and always will.
The alleged education system is screwing today's kids. COVID is bad enough and "educators" pile this crap on.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
And therein lies the rub. Moreover, it wasn't that many years ago that things no longer listed as being mental disorders in the DSM referenced earier DID appear in that august tome as being out of the norm. . . .
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