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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Bergdahl belongs in jail; letting him go because Trump said he's guilty is absurd
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Here we go again, arguing the Bergdahl case.

BTW, for LTC Charlie Brown, Bergdahl was NOT release because of what Trump said,

"US District Judge Reggie B. Walton found that the military judge who had ordered the dishonorable discharge had failed to disclose that he had applied to be an immigration judge, a job within the executive branch, during the Trump administration in a possible conflict of interest."
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
1 y
The judge may have said that; but the root reason was Trump's comment that he was guilty. Virtually ANYTHING Trump said or did is fodder for the left.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
1 y
SSG Bill McCoy - Perhaps that is because Trump says such outlandish things.

Also, are you privy to the inner thoughts of this judge? How do you know what he thought or did not think?
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Sarge, I didn't comment on what the judge may/may not have thought. I commented that virutally anything Trump says, is fodder for the left. Simple fact.
I respect you opiinion, but obviously, we disagree about what's going on with Trump ... as to the whys and wherefores. Berghdahl, as the fact remains, entered a GUILTY plea and that cannot be refuted. When such pleas are entered, as you likely well know, judges (including military judges) directly question the accused as to the validity of their plea, AND their objective understanding of it. Whether due to Trump's comments, or the judges prsumed bias, the fact remains ... his plea was guilty, as charged relative to his plea bargain. So either way, the Judge Walton based his finding on a subjective reading of the military judge's motives.
Also, consider that the SJA's office did not question the military judge's standing, nor did they suggest, apparently, that he recuse himself.
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