Posted on Jun 30, 2023
#VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Overd Gordon Province - VA News
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Thanks Dale for another great post of a WW2 combat vet. Gordy Provines answered the call, as many young men did in WW2. What I can't understand is how He had to register for the draft, after returning home from the war. I guess things were different then. We thank him for his sacrifice and service. God Bless him and May He Rest In Peace.
This guy is one of the most interesting I've seen of "normal" WWII vets. Had TB at 13. Finally finished HS and went in the army in early '41. Fought on D-Day, fought all across Europe until wounded by a mine in Germany on 16 Dec. '44. Discharged in Oct. '45 and then drafted in '46 after having already served 3.5 years! Stayed in for another 20 and retired in '66 with nearly 24 years of service. Wow!
SPC Lyle Montgomery
Dale, I volunteered for the draft in 1969 after graduating high school and received my draft notice while serving in NAM. If the govt. can screw something up, they will.
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