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Responses: 5
SPC Lyle Montgomery
Anyone with 1/2 a brain can see that this is just Biden trying to not let Trump run aginst him in the upcoming election. The Biden crime family has done more agregious things than Trump has even thought of. If anyone is guilty of treason its definately Joe Biden and his crooked family. The problem is that the woke democrat/comunist don't have 1/2 of a brain.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison You are so predictable at deflecting anything and everything that reflects badly on progressives. Nottice how a spy who reported Intel to his Chinese masters is simply swiped away as nothing of substance. He still spied and reported but Feinstein gets a pass.

Same with Swalwell. He had a sexualrelationship with a spy and he gets a pass. He's compromised, plain and simple.

Clinton got a pass by the Obama DOJ. Her story is well known and you all give her a pass.

Panetta wasn't charged by the Obama administration. They even used the CIA IG to cover his 'espionage' up in its report. But you're all over Trump for the very same thing.

Holder was never taken to court for the contempt charge. Hmm...wonder why? Oh yeah, he was Obama's wingman.

These are exactly why all the stuff you Crow about Trump is BS. Your side didn't give a rip when they did it, but it's a different story when R's do it.

Your side set the precednt.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
There's no law that stops someone who is charged with or convicted of a felony from running for President nor fulfilling the duty from prison. So how does this stop Trump from running? He can still run. If he won, he could still be President even if he's in prison. I find it extremely f* up that we don't have higher qualifications for people to run for President, VP or Congress but here we are.

I still don't understand how anyone would still want to vote for Trump after everything - he can't properly handle classified material. He was found liable of sexual assault...I just don't get after everything that's come out about him why you want to veot him into office yet again. Do you guys have no morals? Values? Standards? I mean would you be ok if one of your kids brought home a guy like Trump? I sure as hell wouldn't.
MSgt Operations Intelligence
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Whoever said the Liberals/Democrats had a brain? A box of rocks are smarter than most of them. :)
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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MSgt (Join to see) - One of many saying I use. My grandchildren use the "Dumber than a box of rocks." statement appropriately when needed.
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CPT Aaron Kletzing
Is Reality Winner this person’s real name?
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SPC Douglas Bolton
Put a cork in it.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Sometimes that's the best thing we can do.
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