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Responses: 3
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel good day Brother William, always informational and of the most interesting. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Not in favor of any politician trying to silence any media regardless of which views they espouse.
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
>1 y
...or we can just go on thinking that Trump was everywhere all at once, 2500 times a day, sticking his nose into everything possible, which is what the Left wants you to believe, what with all these reports they keep putting out 6000 times a day!
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LTC Self Employed
It is 80/20. 80% Democrats and Social media shutting out president Trump press secretary Kaylee mcenany, others were also shut out from Twitter including a congresswoman who totally told off a former Twitter executive.

Elon Musk saved Democracy!
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SFC John Davis - Maybe it would help if you understood whataboutism as a tactic. Let me know if you have any questions.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
SFC John Davis - Do you understand what the First Amendment protects? I would be happy to educate you on the matter, but as a preview, it doesn't cover Twitter.

Second, since I'm not on the left, I couldn't care less what they are upset about.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC John D. If Republicans and Democrats both make mistakes, or they do it on purpose for whatever reason then I call it out. When someone talks to me about what about islams, I am not phased one tinker's Dam! The left likes using guilt, I don't feel guilty, someone calls me a communist, someone calls me a John bircher, someone calls me a racist, they can call me what I want but I know what I am and I know who I am. No one can say that how did you make it as an officer or why are you an officer? I made it as an officer for going against the crane, for showing moral courage and for speaking my mind and being candid. Update, I am no longer an officer, I am a retiree from the Army Reserve and just a reminder those here, that I still have skin in the game because I can still vote in California elections because California liberal laws allow me to be an out of state voter. By the way, I just did legal transfer to my mom's property in Southern California so I actually have a vested interest in California property which now belongs to me exclusively! I have basically hit up on all the names that I've been called here on rally point. We can have honest disagreements and have honest difference of opinions. Maybe some here a question my loyalty to the US government. I guess our corrupt attorney general hasn't gone after me yet. I love how yesterday Senator Ted Cruz ripped him a new butthole because he wouldn't answer the question!

SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL Capt Gregory Prickett Lt Col Charlie Brown SFC John D. PV2 Scott Mollette PO1 John Johnson
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - First, it is "fazed", not "phased". Second, you are still an officer, albeit assigned to the retired reserve by a set of orders (unless you requested a discharge, which means that you don't have a retired ID, no PX bennies, etc.).
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