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Responses: 3
Lt Col Charlie Brown
It can be done but it takes time and effort and we are not even trying
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LTC Trent Klug
I don't care what your religion is, it ain't replacing the Constitution. Cut and dried.
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
>1 y
Youa re correct; but as the Islam population in Europe and N. America grows, and as they get into politics, their GOAL is to make changes; especially to our Christian based religions AND the Consitution.
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SSG Bill McCoy
"... several large European cities were nearing a population tipping-point after which they would become majority Muslim." True ... look whw is mayor of the city of London, for example.
"Their religion teaches them that Muslims are the best of people and that non-Muslims are decidedly inferior. If any assimilation is to be done, the Westerners will have to do it. This view is reinforced by the traditional Muslim belief that Islam is meant to rule over all other religions." Sadly, true!
"Muslims in Europe are seeking something else—not equality but submission. According to this view, non-Muslim Europeans will either have to submit to Islam or they will be subjugated by Islam." This in fact, is the Islam view and desire for the entire world.
And finally, "As evidenced by the full mosques and empty churches that dot the European landscape, Islam is on the rise and Christianity is in decline." That's also true; but also true is the comparative birthrates in Europe AND North America vs the Muslims whose goal is to overtake Christian countries BY their birthrate.
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