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Responses: 2
LTC David Brown
I find it interesting that so many claiming to be saving Democracyare willing to abridge peoples rights and freedom. The FBI spreading disinformation to black the publication of news stories unfavorable to a political candidate. News media willing to play along in the charade. Then you have a group, headed by ex FBI agent, Hamilton 68 suppressing people on social media platforms by calling them Russian bots. Just amazing.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
You would think the people would be more upset at the
previous twitter board of directors for their actions
than Elon Musk for revealing their duplicitous agendas.
Amn Dale Preisach
Amn Dale Preisach
>1 y
People prefer a " make believe " reality to the current because we are too damn lazy to want to know the Truth . If we have our illusion challenged, we get riled up and further entrench in our make believe existence as to not have to Face Reality. This way, we don't have to take any action or be inconvenienced by having to admit we were// are being lied to, as well as have to think on a way to Right the Ship and follow through on the plan.
We are that lazy and we just prefer to be lied to than told the Truth of the situation.
As long as it doesn't interfere with our fantasy, we don't care.
When it does, we get up in arms to dispel the truth as lies and accept the lies as truth.
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