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Responses: 5
Lt Col Charlie Brown
As the sheriff explained, “I know for a fact that this young lady was running for her life, and I know for a fact that there was no reason to kill her, but they did. I know for a fact that this 10-month-old baby was riding on the comfort of his mother. There was no reason to shoot that baby. And they did it.” This criminal savagery failed to draw a response from the Biden White House, which had been quick with a statement in other cases.
Incredibly awful but no outrage from the Biden admin...it doesn't fit a supported narrative so we don't care about them. Nice eh?
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LTC Trent Klug
There is only so much empathy to go around in democrat circles and some minorities are more equal than others That's why there's no outrage for black on black, or brown on brown shootings. Only when minorities are attacked by "white supremacists" is there outrage.
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SGT Mary G.
Well . . . of course to shine a light on Elyssa Parraz, 16, and her 10 month old son, people may have blamed it on the border problem and rioted. It probably was about the border problem at one time or another regardless of how many people are targeted for recruitment into gangs who are born in U.S..

"According to Sheriff Boudreaux, the executions were similar in to 'high-ranking gang affiliations' but 'we don’t know if it is a gang-affiliated shooting, a cartel affiliation or if the two are combined.' The sheriff did say the cartel is well known in the Central Valley and throughout the state. For all but the willfully blind, it’s MS-13, according to the Fresno Bee 'like no other gang.' "
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