Posted on Jan 22, 2023
'Skyglow' is rapidly diminishing our nightly views of the stars
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
Interesting information Lt Col Charlie Brown. I somehow think this will get worse, not better. Especially since there was the big push for everyone to go LED.
One of my few fond memories of Vietnam, is the sky at night; sunsets and the stars. Just amazing! I moved out to the country and used ot enjoy the stars at night ... then a wonderful couple built near me. She likes light, and they had a streetlight put in the corner of their yard, close to my property and that diminished the stars visible. Then, another family built across the valley and put up a super bright, LED type of yard light and it's killed the view of the stars. Fortunately, their outstanding neighbors which offsets the disappointment of seeing the stars as well as when we first moved here.
Cool. But the more green we become the sky glow may be reduced. As pertaining to scarcity of energy to run lights , homes, cars, stadiums, cities in general.
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