Posted on Dec 23, 2022
Republicans Blast Irresponsible $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill They Just Voted For
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 4
18 so called republicans, most of them the usual suspects are foisting this monstrosity on an unsuspecting public. They should be keel-hauled or tar and feathered in the public square. This bill covers the first year of a republican house in charge of the government purse strings. Anything that is caused by this almost law will be blamed on Republicans and rightly so. The party is full of pathetic losers who care nothing for their constituents and want to be the minority party. Granted the dems are that way too, but it's the Republicans who'll be crucified in the media.
SGT Gerald “Jerry” Harrell
LTC Trent Klug I wish you were a little more clear on what you mean LOL! You hit the nail on the head. I’m getting so tired of party politics… we need to start voting for people with intestinal fortitude and convictions regardless of the party they claim…I want officials in the AMERICAN Party.
Well that is their thing...people will establish an underground economy if theirs becomes insolvent. It is just simple survival.
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