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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Of course...we saw/heard what was going on with the IRS and the Tea Party and some other conservative organizations and then "poof" it all disappeared MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Maj Robert Thornton
Maj Robert Thornton
2 y
It was not just organizations Lt Col Charlie Brown. Conservatives who sent Obama letters or emails panning his policies were also subjected to IRS audits. I know firsthand. Thankfully I use an accountant that doesn’t play in the gray. They asked for records that were not even claimed on my return, thus those were never sent.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
2 y
Good for you. I heard that as well but couldn't confirm until now
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
Maj Robert Thornton
Maj Robert Thornton
2 y
The only folks from my accountants office that were audited were conservatives that disagreed with Obama policies in writing Lt Col Charlie Brown! All audits came back about nine months later, they are supposed to be cleared in 90 days, all of them cleared!
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SPC Lyle Montgomery
The IRS is like The Gustapo in WW2. Every one fears them. Even if one pays his taxes on time and does not cheat on taxes sometimes the IRS can cause one a living hell. What ever happened to our freedom? The radical, socialist left is trying to turn us into a comunist country. We need sane leadership. I hope that the new congress is able to throw a wrench into Bidens insane plans. The country will be so screwed up by the next election that I hope thyat it can recover from the socialist rule.
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