Posted on Dec 3, 2022
McCullough: Pandemic Won’t End Until Mass Vaccination Stops
Edited 2 y ago
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 5
I firmly believe the so called vaccines have extended the life of this disease.
SSG Bill McCoy
I'd agree with that and trust "herd immunity" more so than vaccines; at least in the case of Covid. I also wonder if the entire affair wasn't a Chinese experiment, and/or an attempt to damage the U.S. economy or see how well we responded to the infection.
This is a very intresting read. I'm not an anti vaxer. I have had a ton of shots before leaving for Nam. I got my flu shot this year, but won't get the covid vacine. There is too much political bullshit by Fauci and his minions going on. I no longer have any faith in the CDC or the WHO. They have lied to us time and time again. I have a lot of health issues but won't have more with the stupid covid vacine.
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