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Responses: 5
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Check out the medal rack!
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 y
It's actually small compared to some I've seen. . . .
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SPC Gary C.
My Son served under him during the Iraq missions. Before he had a cell phone, I would call my son and when the CQ answered the phone I would say my last name and ask for my son, he'd be on the phone in short order. At the time there was a General Cartwright in the Marines, and they thought that I was him. That only worked a time or two before the boy told them that I wasn't the General.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
2 y
SPC Gary C. LOL! He should have kept his mouth shut! It might have got him a promotion or two! Then tell them!
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
2 y
When I was in grad school at Temple in Philly, I used to go to the Navy Yard commissary to get groceries. One day, I forgot to bring home a 15-lb box of laundry soap from I'd left under the cart.

I called the commissary and ID'd myself as Capt. Wilson and they said they found it and they would deliver it to my quarters for me. I said thanks, but that I lived in Northeast Philly. The guy said, "Oh, most of our captains live in base housing."

I replied that I was an army captain going to grad school and his voice changed tone instantly. "Oh, you're an army captain. Well, sir, we'll be happy to hold it in the office for you until your next visit." . . .
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LTC Trent Klug
A good career.
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