Posted on Nov 21, 2022
Trump Is Running For President Again. Heed The Lessons Of 2016
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I was hoping he would not run again. He did good but too much political baggage! I am afraid he will hurt the Republican ticket in 2024.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
With the message of America First and Make America Great Again he cannot fail. Name another 'politician' who would sacrifice a peaceful retirement and their salary for the American People? Love him or hate him, Trump is America, with all our faults and sins, but also with grit and perseverance. Trump knows and quotes the Constitution often, and the message is simple. He wants to restore the US in the image of our founders, with freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness out front. Anything worth while is worth fighting for.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
MAJ Montgomery Granger - All of that is true...and I got it...but to me he is a jerk of a person that simply cannot shut up. He personally attacks folks bringing on the attacks back to him. He has vendettas and he takes them to a whole other level instead of trying to work with someone he tries to destroy them. Now I know he has been and will continue to be attacked and that is not right either...BUT...he simply cannot keep his mouth shut at times when discretion is the better part of valor. When you are in politics and at that level you have to be a diplomat and he does not fit that bill to me. Look at Reagan. He got things done and nobody knew till it was over and the policy was in place. By then it was too late for attacks. He spoke softly but firmly. Trump cannot do that. I liked his policies, his constitutional thinking, and his vision of restoring America back to what it was founded on. However, there have been too many battles and too many attacks that I think he will divide America on a vote if he gets the ticket. I personally would love to see a DeSantis/Abbot ticket myself either one for vice or President but those two running together would be a powerhouse. However, with all that being said I will vote for Trump if he gets the nomination over anyone the Dems are proposing at this time.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
For your dream team to be elected they would have to adopt Trump's message. They would need his permission and support for that. I don't see that happening if Trump feels he is the best candidate. Trump is rough around the edges, for sure, but for that job you need to be tough. He has proven his mettle over and over again in the face of incredible harassment and viscous attacks, even on his wife and children. His dealings with other world leaders proves his methods are effective. He's a New Yorker. I have lived and worked in NY for over 30 years, and even taught his son, Donnie, Jr., in the City. We 'get' Trump, love him or hate him. If you hit him, he hits back 'ten times harder.' And why not? He was spied on by a President of the United States, for crying out loud! The head of the FBI tried to set him up! The Alphabet Soup Secret Squirrel Shadow Warrior Spooks have been after him since 2015, and haven't let up! Invading his home on false allegations of concealing classified info? Are you kidding me? Killery DESTROYED subpoenaed evidence and got NOTHING. Donald Trump is the most maligned person of all time. What you call vendettas I call self-defense.
Well, he has thrown his hat into the ring; that doesn't guarantee him the nomination.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
The only person who can keep Trump from the GOP nomination for President in 2024 is Trump. Unfortunately for his opponents, his message is the gestalt that will win over all comers: America First; Make America Great Again.
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