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Responses: 8
MCPO Roger Collins
If the Republicans don’t figure this out real quick, there will no longer be the Republic we know and love. Given the destruction created by the last two years as an example created by one party rule. More of an autocracy.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
2 y
SSG Bill McCoy Kind of makes one wonder why we devoted a large portion of our lives defending this nation.
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
2 y
SSG Bill McCoy - I agree with you 100% Bill, But I'm wondering how we do anything about it. I ran for office and got in as a supervisor for 2 years the next election the teachers union put up a woman from the chamber of commerce which is anti small business here in Green Bay Wisconsin and somehow they Doubled the election turn out numbers than the previous election 2 years ago. So Twice the number of voters registered? Ya' Well That was a lowly County Position so you can imagine what the higher office shit is like. It's unwinable a rigged game? How do you peacefully address this? Really I MEAN IT! Peacefully? I'm very worried about somebody doing something stupid. They are getting a LOT of People Very Very Angry. That's why I stopped going to political meetings I don't want to have anything to do with any of these "groups" because all it takes is one idiot! then YOUR on thee List!
SSG Bill McCoy
SSG Bill McCoy
2 y
SGT James Murphy - I agree. It's only a matter of time before things get dicey.
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
2 y
SSG Bill McCoy - The big Choice is whether or not to ignore the fact your neighbor is a member of a death squad. This BLM Gang shit is nothing to ignore. They Just Closed down a Comics Venues by threatening violence because the comic is a conservative. The freaking Mayor and Police Chief in the Florida Town closed the Venue. So much for Free speech. It' happening now man so when I hear my neighbor talking about "Death Squads" It's got a whole different flavor other than the normal bull shit that comes out of their mouths. He is a former Navy Seal. So I take it serious.
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CPT Jack Durish
In Colonial America, each qualified voter stepped up to the table where the voting official and his clerks sat, and publicly announced their choices. The candidates also sitting at the table rose and thanked those voters who had chosen them. Honestly, I'd prefer this system. You can't intimidate citizens after their ballots are cast. More importantly, you can't intimidate armed citizens.
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
SGT James Murphy - I like the thought. The 2A is not the topic of discussion however. The legality of mail-in voting is.
SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
2 y
SGT (Join to see) - Well actually 2A should be part of this topic. Just my Two Cents Worth.
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SSG Bill McCoy
When we had paper ballots, we KNEW the results of our elections, mostly by midnight or at worst, the wee hours of the next morning.
How is it with computerized voting then, that it takes so long to tabulate the results? Are mail-in ballots not able to be scanned into the same scanners as today's paper ballots (at least in my state)? Can we really trust hand counting after what we saw in Atlanta in 2020 and other cities. I'm not saying there was actual fraud, but if the process isn't TRUSTED by those who can lawfully vote, the danger is that they won't BOTHER TO VOTE!
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