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Responses: 4
LTC David Brown
One needs to understand how Fetterman got his stroke to understand he s irresponsible. 5 years ago he was told he had atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is a cause of strokes. Fetterman’ was told to take a blood thinning medication and to get follow up treatment. Fetterman did neither. As a result of irresponsibility in managing his health care he stroked. Just as Fetterman was irresponsible so was Oprah.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
The Democratic Party doesn’t want to talk about this catastrophe, lest the finger of culpability be pointed back at them. One of the greatest lies of our times is that the Democrats are supportive of black people when their policies from Lyndon Johnson onwards have done nothing but hurt the black community in the most tragic ways, most notably through the destruction of the black family—the vast majority of them anyway.
Where is Oprah Winfrey—rated the world’s wealthiest black woman by Forbes—in all this? Well, she gives to charities here and in Africa, a good thing, but she also supports candidates, not just Fetterman, whose policies only contribute to the problem.
BTW, Oprah set up a school in Africa and didn't properly vet her employees and the kids were abused...that's Oprah...do a job halfway for publicity and then ignore it
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LTC Trent Klug
If people are taking political advice from the Big O, then they should remember the authors she pushed who were bullshit artists, James Frey and Eckhart Tolle.
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