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Responses: 2
Lt Col Charlie Brown
But they want the military weak and woke so the administration doesn't care about this. Those who held their ground would also be the ones who would push back against illegal orders.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
We better be strong when China tests us. MHO
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
2 y
In fact, the order to take the vaccine was an unlawful order. By law and by any moral standard. Military officers, NCOs and enlisted are trained to disobey unlawful orders. The Nuremburg trials taught us that simply following orders is not enough, one must make a moral and legal determination to the best of ones ability. Also, Nuremburg taught us that before any medical experiment or treatment, there must be informed consent. The US gov't failed on both of these points. Punished military members need to be reinstated and compensated. Offenders should face the harshest punishment allowed by law.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Good reporting. Thank you. This is a shame. The numbers of people reported seriously ill from COVID don't support immunizing young heath adults and children. Thats the bottom line, and for our government to force these young to take this vaccination just isn't right. Comparing this situation to us taking other vaccinations is a disingenuous argument, this vaccination isn't approved for regular use.

I suppose the fear in the beginning of the COVID outbreak was that the Spanish Flu did affect young adults and children at a high rate. The disingenuous part of the government's forcing our young to take this vaccination is that after a year we know the actual numbers showed overall our young isn't affected by this virous.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
2 y
I agree. Also, the fear generated over COVID was planned and executed by a global cabal set on controlling our every move. The plan was to test to see how many people would conform to unreasonable and unprecedented mandates under exigency, rather than insist on laws being followed and our rights respected. Most failed this test. But we are wiser now: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
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