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Responses: 8
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Biden is confused as always Lt Col Charlie Brown , the people of Florida know better on what's going on, than the man that is lost in the world of confusion.
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SGT Steve McFarland
I came through Ivan with minimal damage. Less damage than Irma.
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COL Randall C.
I'm willing to sit and wait (and hope) that the partisan politics don't kick in. By all accounts (as of the news this morning), there hasn't been any politics involved between the executive branch (i.e., Biden and the various departments) and Florida. Fingers crossed.

Of course, the standard legislative idiots and TV partisan pundits have been quick to roll out their "this is due to climate change, right? .. and if you disagree, then obviously you're a climate change denier" schtick. Why don't you save the political fighting until at least after the flood waters have receded (I know .. I know ... as Rahm Emanuel said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste.")

My only objection so far to the White House was when they were telling mayors and other Florida officials to "call them directly if you have anything you need". You would think the FEMA director (or someone with a bit of experience in this world) would explain that is not how the National Response Framework* is executed.
National Response Framework
- https://www.fema.gov/emergency-managers/national-preparedness/frameworks/response
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