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Responses: 8
MSgt Steve Sweeney
Trump supporters are perfectly friendly, provided you are telling them what they want to hear. They will do practically anything for someone who tells them what they want to hear.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
2 y
CPT (Join to see) - I cannot in good conscious help a person poison themselves, so you are on your own there.

And no, it is not "disingenuous". That is exactly what it is. Those on the right often tout the benefits of a Capitalist economy and disparage an "over reaching" government regulating businesses, when it is serving their purpose. Your speech is not "stifled". You are right here saying exactly what you want to say. You, or Trump, are free to go anywhere in the United States and say what you wish. You have access to the internet and there are no restrictions on your travel. What you are demanding is not "free speech", but rather an audience and a platform. Specifically a platform and an audience that you did not build nor help to maintain. You want something for nothing because you perceive others to have what you want and you feel that it is "unfair" that they have it. What do you call that?
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
2 y
I call it American.

Social media is more than than a "for profit" endeavor. It puts itself forward as a fair arbiter which supposedly encourages civil discussion. One only need look at the clampdown on information surrounding Hunter Biden and the sale of influence just before the 2020 election to ascertain that it is neither fair or independent of government direction and influence.

You say that the sites lauding all things Trump are everywhere on the internet but in actuality are nowhere to be found. If I am already a poisoned "chief running-dog of Trumpist propaganda" there can be no harm in citing at least a few of the sites you claim are there. I for one do not believe that the sites you claim to exist are actually there.

I challenge you to prove this fact that you cite. This is not a matter of opinion, it has been presented by you as fact. If you refuse to do so again, than it becomes prima fascia evidence that your claims are false.

Lastly, nothing ever stays the same. The Radical Left Wing of the Democrat party has squandered their opportunity to turn the USA into a Democratic People's Republic.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
2 y
CPT (Join to see) -
"It puts itself forward as a fair arbiter which supposedly encourages civil discussion" - Where does it do this? Is the standard for being "fair" doing what you want it to do? You make allegations without evidence or proof. Are you familiar with the concept of bearing false witness? Perhaps what you are claiming happened didn't. If it DID happen, how did you know about it if you were not directly involved? Now, if you tell me you heard it from a media source, that kind of throws your argument that the media sources generating this information don't exist. Do you see how your own logic contradicts itself?

Just because you are unable to find something does not mean they are not there. You can start with "Truth Social", "Parler", "GETTR", OAN comments, Fox News comments, or any number of other sources that others on RP seem to have no trouble finding because you see them posted often. "American Thinker", et al. There is plenty to find on Reddit or YouTube if you like. So the problem is not that they are not there. If you are having problems finding them, then the problem is with you.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
2 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - I never pretended to be perfect, so your information is most welcome.
"It's okay to disagree with one another, but never let us be divided."
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
Get out of the Democrat run cesspools. Build an old fashioned carbon emitting campfire. Teach your grandaughters how to shoot commie tin cans. Pour a tall gin and short tonic. Meet, greet and break bread. Americans like Trump's message and leadership and are unfailingly great people . Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin MSgt Steve Sweeney Lt Col Charlie Brown MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi SFC Kelly Fuerhoff ( thought I'd go ahead and tag Fuerhoff, too. Haven't had a red thumbs down this week)
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
2 y
More people like Biden's. Your message is fine, but that isn't what Trump is selling. Feel free to send him your money though, if you like his message so much. That said, feel free to leave my name out when you post stupid, virtue signaling bullshit in the future.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
2 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney OK. If you're sure that's what you want. But you'll miss out on some brilliant observations.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
2 y
CWO4 Terrence Clark - Chief Clark,
I am always interested in why some people always choose the wrong side in politics or a fight. Please continue!
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Most Liberals who have chosen to simply hate Trump won't care. I'm not a fan of Trump myself (I don't hate him though), as a conservative, but I don't waste my time trying to find something wrong with everything he does, nor do I fail to take note of his accomplishments. However, I have found myself in the middle of a few of "Trump train" get togethers at restaurants, at the beach, and even while boating. They are in fact diverse, fun loving, respectful people whom I imagine only get riled up when people act disrespectfully toward them purposefully and constantly. Essentially no different than any other human being getting challenged by another in a similar manner. But no, to most Liberals (maybe not this one who conducted this "experiment" in the article), they all fit a specific mold, which ironically can in fact be attributed to the people who hold liberal rallies and protests.

In my experience from the Desert Storm period up until this point, I have witnessed a multitude of liberal rallies and protests. The first was when I was in college, and I decided to show up to a "Support our Troops" rally during Desert Storm. Being a cadet in the AFROTC, I thought it prudent to support the people I was about to join in the near future. It was not advertised or meant to support the war, President Bush, or denounce Iraq, and none of that rhetoric was even articulated during the event. That is until a small group of "no blood for oil" folks showed up and tried to shout down our efforts to sign a huge banner of support to those deployed in the Middle East, and collect care package items to ship to each of the bases. So yes, people responded to the protestors. Mostly to ask why the hell they chose to politicize what was meant to be a non-political event. Since then, I've seen many other rallies organized by those pushing left sided rhetoric. Most are consistently and obnoxiously loud, in your face/confrontational, and even violent. This isn't to say Trump rallies don't have that. I just don't see nearly the same, and when I do, it is usually an outlier person(s) vs the whole group participating.

So, I don't look for or join any of these events, but considering I travel a lot and I traverse many focal points (white house and other DC areas, the gates into military bases, and popular city centers), you tend to come across these rallies going on every now and then. But going back to the first example I remember, there was a stark contrast to how I was treated by the "no blood for oil" protestors, when I simply asked why they are politicizing a support the troops rally, vs the conversations I had with Trump supporters, while making note to them I'm not a fan of a lot of his rhetoric. They understood, respected my opinion, and continued to be friendly to all. fast forward to the Fall of 2001 after 9/11, I could not help but giggle during the time I saw a rally going on at the Peterson AFB gate in which the Security Forces warned the anti-war protestors not to block traffic or cross the line marking federal property. As I waited in line to enter the base, I watched one idiot challenge the instructions and jump over the line, only to get jacked up. Totally made my day.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
2 y
CPT (Join to see) - Trump was responsible for the deaths of thousands of people during covid when he continually said it wasn't a big deal. Trump is responsible for the deaths of servicemembers who died in Syria. In Afghanistan during his presidency. Yes Trump is 100% a horrible human being. I don't know how anyone with a conscience can defend him so that tells me his defenders have no conscience, no morals or ethics. Have a day.
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
2 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - I don't "hate" him because that's a strong emotion that takes a lot of energy. I've only hated two people in my life and only still hate one.
Yeah A LOT OF PEOPLE don't like Trump because of the reasons I listed. It has nothing to do with "overly emotional." I notice that out of everyone on here who posts that they don't like Trump, I'm the ONLY one who you people call "overly emotional" and I have to assume it's because I'm a woman. I never see any of the men who post similar things ever get called "overly emotional" or "crazy" or "neurotic."

I don't take "every opportunity" to state why I dislike him. You are a psychopath and it's just that simple. "I can only hope you know better not to act irresponsibly on your perspective, as many people I've observed on the left have done." -- Wtf does this mean?

Have a day.
CPT Special Forces Officer
CPT (Join to see)
2 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Well I understand your feelings, however things are seldom as simple as we try to make them. The only thing I would say is that hatred harms you exclusively. The object of your hatred probably doesn't know that you are alive, and your opinion wouldn't even faze him. Be Gentler to yourself.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
2 y
All your posts are emotional and on top of it, you seem to use the down vote to vent that emotion. It has nothing to do with whether you're female or not. That's called a deflection... When you get called on something that deep down you probably know, you cry sexist. Your posts are completely one sided, you

I think you need to check yourself and review your past statements when Trump comes up. Yes, you do take every opportunity to state your dislike of him, which can easily have one assume you hate him. That's fine, I could care less about your feelings for him and I'm not a fan of his rhetoric. But I can also look at things critically and draw correlations to the past, people's inconsistent perceptions, and what people avoid saying in their statements. You commented on MY post and it's not the first time. Each time you have expressed your severe "dislike" for Trump, made outlandish statements about sexism on my part, and voted me down. You talk about how people can have a conscious voting for or even liking Trump, and yet for all the accusations you throw his way, other leaders can observe the same actions to include our current President. Should I assume you did not vote and you "dislike" Biden too?

By "Act irresponsibly..." I mean; To do something stupid, illegal, against UCMJ, or to unfairly lash out at someone (a friend, family member, or subordinate) for having a different opinion than your own.
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