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Responses: 7
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
LOSERS Bail on debates cause they know they can't stand up to the scrutiny...why do you think they kept Biden inthe basement...no way his senile old behind could have debated Trump...he would have been obliterated.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
2 y
SFC (Join to see) why would Bidens relationship with the Democratic party have an effect on the fetterman vs oz election?
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
2 y
SFC (Join to see) well respect is not demanded or assumed... And the disrespect you extend to others is the disrespect you receive in turn... Basic law of the jungle.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
2 y
SFC (Join to see) so what does hunter collecting millions from alien parties have to with the fetterman vs oz election?
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
2 y
SFC (Join to see) my organizational skills are fine... I answer posts directly... And any errors in a post I make I correct in a follow up post... I don't think your commentary on my organizational skills merits a change in my plan of action.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Federman is a criminal but that never bothers the left
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
2 y
What crimes?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
Fetterman puled a shotgun to detain an innocent citizen. Because he was mayor he was never charged. Fetterman is literally a loose cannon. The attached article is probable the best balanced article about Fetterman I have seen. It has good and bad in it. It documenters Fetterman’s Socialist history. Fetterman has done some good but his defund the police and pro sanctuary cities policies and emptying our jails, I believe are out of step for what the majority of Pa. citizens stand for. BTW Fetterman doesn't pay his taxs and has several liens against his property. The following is a partial excerpt from the article about the shotgun incident:

AT APPROXIMATELY 4:30 P.M. on January 26, 2013, John Fetterman, then in his second term as mayor of Braddock, was standing in front of his house, playing with his then-four-year-old son Karl, when he heard gunfire. A lot of gunfire. “I heard approximately a dozen or more what clearly sounded like assault-rifle gunshots go off,” he told a TV reporter from the local ABC affiliate at the time. “I didn’t know if it was a rampage. I didn’t know if it was a drive-by. I didn’t understand. … At that point, I made a decision as a parent, and as a mayor, to intervene until the first responders could get there and sort it all out.”

He hustled his son into the house, called police, and went to investigate. When he came back out, a man named Christopher Miyares ran by, dressed in a black tracksuit, his face masked by a black balaclava and goggles. Miyares appeared to be running from where the sound of gunfire originated and toward the elementary school. This was just a few weeks after the Sandy Hook school massacre, so Fetterman jumped in his black pickup and took off in hot pursuit.

What happened next is in dispute.

Miyares is Black, but Fetterman says because the man was bundled up against the cold, it was impossible to determine his race or gender. Miyares told police that Fetterman caught up to him and pulled a shotgun on him. Fetterman admits he pulled the 20-gauge shotgun from his truck after Miyares refused to stop running but denies he pointed it directly at Miyares.

Police arrived, searched Miyares, and, finding no weapons, released him. Later that year, the people of Braddock — a town that was 70 percent Black — overwhelmingly reelected Fetterman to a third term as mayor.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - "Because he was mayor he was never charged." Yet you support Trump. SMH.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
LTC Kevin B. - You brandish a shotgun and unlawfully detain someone, and you will be charged and convicted. Period.
Your "what about Trump?" in this situation is funny.
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1LT Vance Titus
If Fetterman is elected Pennsylvania will get exactly what they voted for and regret it from the day he takes office. Sound familiar?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
You got that right.
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