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Responses: 3
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
One tragic and bloody mess, our greed for land out weighed compassion for others Lt Col Charlie Brown
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Not a good time in our history.......country or Army.
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Amn Dale Preisach
What gets me is that the soldiers would post instructions and orders for the Native Americans to " read" and the powers that be said they were in direct defiance of those orders posted in English for all to read..
How many Native Americans could READ.!!!! Let alone read Emglish.
Even a greater percentage of US citizens back then could not read or write.
No. The Government knew the Native Americans couldn't read English or any other language.
The Government just wanted an excuse to raid those territories in Native hands and kill/ round up and resettle the remnants of surviving Native Americans.
Leaving the Land able to be " settled " by Americans.
Everybody's happy. The " scourge " of " Wild Savages" had been dealt with, the politicians showed their devotion by " Warning " the Native Americans and giving them" every chance " to come in peacefully. Then acting when they , of course, didn't. Giving the politicians " clout " for the next election.
Governments still do this today, world wide. Just differing groups that are" troublesome " to Governments " A" or " B". Or,,,
America has gotten better at correcting the Present. But stupid politicians still hanker for a rogue sect or an outside" enemy" to show how American they are and how proud they are about America. Or , even the opposite... how " unAmerican it is or they are..
Politics never changes. No matter the Country.
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