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Responses: 4
Lt Col Charlie Brown
And this is how the Democrats threw away the Asian vote
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
I hope every Asian remembers. This is just so wrong, and it's preventable.
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LTC Trent Klug
It's truly amazing how these juveniles have no problem attacking the elderly. I bet they o home and hug momma without a second thought.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
I see a viciousness in them these days that I just didn’t see in the past. Maybe it just wasn’t reported that much.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
2 y
SFC (Join to see) I think you are correct. They are much more vicious. It's what happens when violence is glamorized in movies and music.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
2 y
It’s contagious, monkey see, monkey do. Quit publicizing this and give them jail time for extreme assault.
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SPC David Willis
The juvenile courts are a joke and its not just a democrat thing. In indiana, a very red state, our system will send kids to prison for 6 months to a year and kick them out with no real progress. I used to be a part of the boot camp program there and it was a joke. If they refused to do push ups or train me or my staff would write them up but they would always get promoted and eventually released back into the public with no rehabilitation. We had a kid shoot a classmate and his teacher when he was 14 and he is only going to serve 4 years when other kids, black kids, have been charged as an adult at the same age and will serve 25 years, no justice at all. This kid also, when I left, was showing no remorse after being locked up for 2 years and would make jokes about shooting people.

Kids in the prison could spit on or assault staff and do 3 weeks in separation and get right back out and go to the same unit he came from. They would have sex with each other and it wouldnt impact their release date. There are several kids who threatened to kill me and my family when they got out and the paperwork didnt change their release date, although I will say I made photocopies of those write ups and have them at home incase I ever need them to prove self defense to responding police. So yea the whole system is a joke and we are really doing a disservice to kids when we continue the cycle of not giving them a strong sense of consequences and continue to coddle them like their mothers did which got them locked up in the first place.
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - It is sad, especially when you start to realize that many of these kids never had a shot in hell making it out of their situation. I know we all need to take accountability for our actions but IMO no one can realistically shift more blame to others than juvenile offenders. Almost every time their parents, school systems and courts have failed them and produced the criminal I was working with. In 3 years at a facility I may have met 3 or 4 kids where I was like "yup pure evil" didnt matter who raised them they were just bad. Pretty much everyone else could have been saved at some point with the right interventions.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
2 y
SPC David Willis - I bow to experience. What you say makes a lot of sense. For it to work we need DA's and Judges with wisdom. We need to remember our votes count in these areas also.
SPC David Willis
SPC David Willis
2 y
SFC (Join to see) - Yea the judges and the DA are the problem for sure too afraid to throw the book at people and then when someone gets out with 15 felonies and kills a cop or some random person everyone acts surprised. The kid who shot those people at his school was drawing pictures of guns and making guns out of legos while they talked about his case complete sociopath. Ive told my wife if I ever see him in public shell know cuz ill be clutching my pistol and pushing her towards an exit.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
2 y
Simple assault is 6 months in most states unless get into the aggravated assault territory of beating them into critical condition.
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