Posted on Jul 7, 2022
PTSD Bytes #12: Mindfulness for Self-Care - VAntage Point
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Thank you Ma'am. This information is helpful but is limited to those who are able to recognize that how they are responding to a situation is other than the correct response. Automatic responses are not so easy to change and more so when you do not see that your response is not proper according to the general population. If a person is unable to see the forest for all the trees it is a relearning process, but you still need to see that there is a need to be reprogramed for lack of a better term. I wish all my Fellow Veterans who have issues with PTSD the wisdom to see the need to obtain assistance from any and all available sources. It seems that there are many that offer assistance but few who take on the role of a person needing assistance. I do hope that anyone in need of assistance will find a source and obtain the help needed to overcome PTSD! ;-) I SALUTE All My Fellow Veterans!!! GOD Bless America!!!
Cpl Vic Burk
SSgt David M. Recognizing and accepting you have a problem is the hardest thing to do. It just isn't "macho." My oldest brother had a severe case of PTSD and refused to accept he had a problem and get help. His unsuccessful attempt at suicide failed and left him almost brain dead for thirteen years before passing at the age of 53.
SSgt David M.
Cpl Vic Burk - I am sorry to hear of your loss. I just wish that there was a way to get past the issue of understanding that a problem exists, and acceptance of assistance does not mean that you are a weak person. You are correct, being 'Macho' is a very real image problem but understanding that you have a problem should be addressed at the first question of there being something off. ;-) I SALUTE All My Fellow Veterans!!! GOD Bless America!!!
Excellent advice. I have used the Mindfulness Coach app myself and it is very helpful when those old memories get a bit more irritating. very helpful…that and prayer, of course.
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