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Responses: 2
SPC Kevin Ford
We've been dealing with this in one way or another for decades. It's either pregnancy centers or abortion providers being targeted. The response has to be the same, catch them and prosecute them. Our politics can't devolve into terrorism.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
Maj John Bell - Statements like this are made all the time in politics. They are not abnormal, at least not these days after the last presidency. If they were to be investigated the DOJ would have to have a whole department tracking down all Marjorie Taylor Greene's statements and the gang of four statements and a whole bunch of other groups I can think of in national politics.

Are you sure your problem isn't the (D) behind his name? There is no reason to think he meant to threaten them.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SPC Kevin Ford - People are shot all the time in Chicago too. Most of it is gang-related. Should we stop enforcing those laws too.. If we're not going to enforce a law either get rid of it or amend it to something we will enforce.

I have no problem with Congress investigating and handing out administrative punishments ALL DAY LONG. Primary benefit, the more they investigate the less time they spend on legislative jackassery and get to priority business.... hopefully. Secondary benefit, perhaps federal elected and appointed officials will be more circumspect and verbally disciplined before they open their mouths.

Yes, I'm pretty sure my problem isn't the (D) behind his name. I don't care for either major party.

"by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence..."

Even Senator Schumer admits he screwed up. Fine, take him at his word, impeach him and punish him with censure.

Remember impeachment is not a criminal proceeding. It is a political proceeding with the potential for administrative, NOT criminal or civil, penalties. Senators, Schumer, Shaheen and President Biden should no better and should be held accountable. Such an impeachment might result in no action, removal from office with disbarment from federal office for life or anything in-between. But the message would be sent. Leave SCOTUS deliberations alone if you are a federal elected or appointed office holder.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
Maj John Bell -
You stated:
"People are shot all the time in Chicago too. Most of it is gang-related. Should we stop enforcing those laws too.. If we're not going to enforce a law either get rid of it or amend it to something we will enforce."

You have an assumption that the law was broken. You have not passed the bar to do that.

You stated:
"Even Senator Schumer admits he screwed up. Fine, take him at his word, impeach him and punish him with censure.

Remember impeachment is not a criminal proceeding. It is a political proceeding with the potential for administrative, NOT criminal or civil, penalties."

Which is exactly why what you suggest here isn't going to happen. I wouldn't mind a little bit of Congress holding their membership to high standards regardless of party. But we both know that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SPC Kevin Ford - Yes because the party in power will only allow investigations of the minority party.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Notice how the left leaning political leadership and media are moving to parallel white Supremacy with white nationalist conservatives. Mainly white Christians that hold a moral view as white Supremacists. It is a play on words and is meant to create a large common enemy. Even if it is false witness.
For me, I do not think it will go far until G-d takes the restrainer out of the way. Then, this action as well as other socialist's false witness agenda topics like climate change, hate speech and hate crimes will really take off.
When this bone by G-d is thrown to the world system, true persecution will commence. Old Knob's time is short. That insane POS better be ready to unfold it's plan PDQ.
I stand against how it was before Noah's flood and I stand against the lack of morality it exemplifies.
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