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Responses: 4
CWO4 Terrence Clark
Democrats are forcing We the People closer and closer to an untenable precipice. And they are doing it by design.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Yes, they are doing it be design. It is obvious.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Glad it ended without incident but the fact that Biden has not come out and said this is absolutely unacceptable is a real indicator of his position. And Chuck Schumer should be impeached for encouraging this.
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It looks like they are all in it together for the power and glory of their positions leading the mob. At this point I don't believe we can call them a political party anymore; they really are just a mob.
SGT Retired
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“..but the fact that Biden has not come out and said this is absolutely unacceptable is a real indicator of his position”.

The White House condemned this shortly after it happened.

“Chuck Schumer should be impeached for encouraging this”. Please note that Senators aren’t subject to impeachment.
SGT Retired
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It has nothing to do with defending any party. Simply, Charlie stated some incorrect information.

Or do you agree with her? Do you think the White House didn’t condemn the actions at Kavanaugh’s house? Do you think that Senators actually are subject to impeachment?
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SFC Casey O'Mally
While I do not condone anything that happened here, this was not an assassination attempt. The man turned HIMSELF in without ever actually firing or even approaching Kavanaugh.
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I understand the context that you're talking about. I also understand the police charging him with attempting murder does constitute assassination. Maybe the police know some things that weren't released. In using the word assassination, I hang my hat on the police charging him. I can say something wise about someone who changes tags and discussions sometimes, but I will reframe. That the police made the charge makes it legitimate.

All the actions I outline are very serious. It appears Democrats won't be satisfied until they win at any cost, that may include inciting murder.
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