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Responses: 5
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
You're kidding me right? The market is finally back to where it was before we experienced the covid loses. We're sitting at 3.6% unemployment rate. I'm still seeing help wanted signs all over my city in places like giant which start out at 16 and other places like Dunkin donuts. I still see help wanted signs outside of warehouses in my commerical district. No one's out of work. Some just don't want to return to work. We need immigration, it creates more tax revenue and gives us more skilled workers. The construction industry is hurting for workers because all the people your age are retiring, people my age don't wish to trades. Offices can't even keep staffing because everyone is fighting over positions that allow maximum telework.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
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CW4 Guy Butler thanks for the FYI but either H visa being given will make some mad
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
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PO1 Jeff Chandler Hey asshole I have no family besides and elderly parent, I also work 10 hours of overtime a week every single god-damn Saturday. I am sick and tired of you old bitter boomers think my generation and those under us are lazy and entitled. I have no debt. Yet I know people personally who were forced to take on student loans because their parents made too much. I know people who are swimming as little as 10,000 all the way up to almost 160,000. It's not about the student loan debt it's about where you went for your education and what you studied to amass the debt. Times are changing, some will argue for the better while others will argue for the worst. People are forced to take on debt every day. You can't save when the markets are the way they are. Before the pandemic I'd agree with you and say it's about how you spent your money. People who put vacations on a credit card and bitch about the debt of it in the future are those people we both can agree on that are stupid. However everyone's circumstances are different. I know the very same people who have stupid loans also decide to purchase a home because rents are becoming unaffordability high. Who in their right mind would pay 2,000-3,000 for an apartment when they could use the same income to buy a home yet that house now because of their current real estate trend is going for more then what the house is worth. Some people don't want to become slaves to their work to afford their lives. You work to live not live to work.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
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PO1 Jeff Chandler that's point your generation our parents were the ones who forced us to go to school!. Maybe not you personally when it came to your kids. However most of the generation forced us to go to school. And the kicked there is most parents didn't cosign there kids loans. How can you force your children do something without participating in the risk as well. I said earlier college became the norm because your generation made it that way. Your parents the greatest generation didn't force you to go to college it was an option. However trades or just going to work was looked down upon. It became a stigma. This is why certain fields lack young blood so to speak. Now some parents are encouraging trades,taking a gap year, or just merely working over going straight to college. This because most youth not only are clueless about themselves and what they want to do with their futures but their also clueless about life and how the real world works. I personally didn't go to college, I didn't go to trades, I just worked. I still just work. I knew personally the risks of taking on tremendous debt. Not because of my mom, not because of school but because I taught myself financial knowledge based on reading books such as total money make over by Dave Ramsey or Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki. My comments make me seem obvious to the world and it's surrounds. My comments make me sound spoiled or entitled and I'm not. I did never make a singular comment to defend myself personally merely my generation or the youth in general. I truly hope the status qoa changes and universities lose enrollment and students lean towards community college. I hope trades gain more of the younger workforce those now 17-20. I hope things change for the better and we go back to placing labor over technically but that most likely won't happen. During this week's interactions I merely stated people are fighting telework jobs because no one has to go to office anymore. There is no reason to blow money on commuting, parking, over priced coffee, ect. There's no reason to meet in person. Telework not only makes savings easier for an employee but also from the employer. Everyone was all for telework until they realized they have big vacant office buildings they are still paying utilities for, taxes on, and cleaning for. And local governments or real estate holders wouldn't let them break their leases or abandon the properties because the local government takes a hit in property taxes and the landlord taxes a hit in rental income. The local economy also suffers and small businesses shutdown. The solution to that is a hybrid model. When my office demanded we return 1 day a week I had 3 people quit my team and seek work elsewhere once they had full remote jobs. You can't blame them, they have the skills do it. I could carless if I work from home or return to office 5 days a week. Prior to covid my employer was given a monthly stipend to take public transit over driving as a means to cut carbon emissions. The only point I was trying to make is technology has changed the way we work and do business. A senior such as yourself would probably have the don't fix it if it ain't broken mindset or don't change it if it already works mindset. I respect this but we are changing more rapidly then we did before. I only tried to state why some want to focus on careers related to their studies, I merely stated why some may not consider trades because of its minor cost to study. If someone can find a company who is willing to cover the costs of a CDA for a driver great. If someone can find a company or contractor who help them pay for trade training or school great. People won't take on more debt though unless it's a last resort this is my point. I explained why people are fighting over working from home. It may seem stupid and pointless but to the younger generation who can take care of kids while working or clean a house or do whatever from home they couldn't before it isn't. For people who love the flexibility of being able to work where they want it isn't. So many people moved out to small towns away from cities because of telework options. They changed their lives because they thought their old lives wouldn't come back. Things won't go back to the way they were prior to this pandemic, scamdemic, plandemic, whatever you wish to refer it as.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
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PO1 Jeff Chandler nice response instead of taking the time to respond accordingly. But atlas we won't be able to agree on anything. I tried to give reason for each thing I mentioned. At this crossroad we'll have to agree to disagree. Now I'm sure it's Nap time for you. Enjoy.
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Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
CWO4 Terrence Clark What? Billionaires worried about overly-tight rules in spite of open borders?? Say it isn't so!!!
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Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
WAIT WHAT...didn't the Dems go after the Trump organization for just this? There were posts on here for Trump organization advertising for these workers...total hypocrisy!!!!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
CW4 Guy Butler - Visas are visas...immigrants coming over to work.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth "Trump did it" is not an excuse. Trump should not have done it either. Nobody, present company excepted :-)) :-)), is perfect. When Trump or his acolyte takes office in Jan 2025, we'll let him know how we feel. By phone or email. Not by burning down low income neighborhoods and looting 60in flat screens. CW4 Guy Butler
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
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