Posted on May 31, 2022
Whose Marine Corps? Why a Force Design battle is losing sight of the basics
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Regrettably, the discussion about Force Design 2030 and the future of our beloved Corps is degenerating into a partisan street fight, complete with much disinformation, straw man characterizations of opposing positions and slanderous ad hominem attacks.
We need to move the discussion from a gangland street fight to a rules-based boxing match. Punch hard but fairly; no dirty, below-the-belt punches.
We need to move the discussion from a gangland street fight to a rules-based boxing match. Punch hard but fairly; no dirty, below-the-belt punches.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
I agree. With the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Special Forces, the Marine Corps should be able to maintain it's traditional role of battlefield lethality, infiltration and exploitation, tip of the spear, flexibility (Marines I worked with at Gitmo used the motto, "Semper Gumby"), and reputation to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies.
General Berger’s vision of changing the Marine Corps doctrine to protecting the fleet is so radical that the vast majority of retired Marine generals disapprove of it to include the other branches. There is and will be a lot of friction, and I can’t see it being avoidable considering the proposed significant changes in the doctrine.
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