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Responses: 6
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
I'm afraid History is about to join Civics as a class no longer taught. We're currently seeing what lack of Civics education is doing to the election process across the country. Face it there is something in history somewhere that is bound to offend someone. 14 year old Izu pretty much sums it up.
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PO2 Marco Monsalve
Sad to see people that are quote "anti-communist" are following communist dogma
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LTC Self Employed
This article twists what Florida is trying to do. It was the tragic Kingdom that they decided to push its agenda and look at loss of special status.

Nothing wrong talking about how Japanese were interned in so-called concentration camps because of their ethnicity. The same thing happened in Canada. Do the teachers also teach about the hawaii-based Neisi 442 regimental combat team being the most decorated regiment in the US military history?

I'm sure they're going to talk about the Holocaust.

President Trump was against critical race Theory. He believed in the 1776 project and many African Americans still do believe in that.

I don't believe this article is very truthful and it's painting a picture again as Republicans being Illinois Nazis.

The Cavalry is coming in November and the Democrats are on a mission from God but they know that the writing is on the wall and they are going to lose badly.

By the way, critical race Theory goes against the Army doctrine of equal opportunity. It's really sad when government agencies and the US Uniformed Services are being talked a Marxist related critical Theory that white people are the oppressors and that black people are the oppressed.

Good thing we have people like Larry Elder that like to frustrate the left that wants to divide and conquer instead of making America first.

Republicans are not perfect but moderate Democrats like senator manchin of West Virginia are actually stopping the insanity. They'reRepublicans are not perfect but moderate Democrats like senator manchin of West Virginia are actually stopping the insanity. He stopped build back better part 2. This would have made inflation worse had it passed. He also prevented the filibuster from being cancelled. Democrats were using the filibuster 5 years ago but now they call it racist.

People are racist within their own race. White people may have some races in here and there but you noticed that there is a lot of racism among different ethnic groups if they try to be successful. My wife is Indian or Canadian Indian. If she marries a white person like me, she is called an apple. It's a Filipino marries a white person they are called a coconut. If a black person is a law-abiding citizen and is a police officer they are often called an Oreo or a sell-out.

Why people have their own things to fix but people within their own race also need to stop their own discrimination from within and their own biases from within because they are killing each other and making it harder for those to succeed. My wife calls with crab in the bucket mentality where those at the bottom try to pull those who try to get out of the bucket. My Canadian Indian wife was lucky to be able to live in the city instead of on the Indian reservation and the many people in her tribe resent this.

LTC Self Employed
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen they may convert but in the meantime they're still building more power plants.
Right now, they're putting more money into building up their offensive forces against Taiwan with the largest Navy in the world. Also, that world is in recession. If China attacks Taiwan, watch China be cut off from trade as well. This will result in Walmart, Target and most of your auto parts stores having nothing to sell because it's all made in China.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
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LTC (Join to see) I've lived with the fear of China invading Taiwan my entire life, so have you. If it didn't happen in the 50s it's not going to happen now. Actually China has more to lose if they tried since, as you said, their markets would go away.
LTC Self Employed
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That's kind of like saying all Democrats vote with the left when you have senator manchin of West Virginia and Senator Sinema vote no and the left has to buy a new box of the depends since their socialist Utopia is destroyed.
SGT Charlie Lee Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SPC Nancy Greene PO1 William "Chip" Nagel PO2 Marco Monsalve PO2 Marco Monsalve SGT (Join to see)
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen yes, but if our president keeps acting like mr. Magoo contradicting himself, we lose credibility.
Taiwan does have about a third of the Abrams Tanks they ordered. They also ordered a bunch of Javelin missile system but I wonder if those got diverted to go destroy Russian tanks in Ukraine. Hopefully, Taiwan can make the javelin missile system under license.

The big difference compared to the 50s win Taiwan was being shelled by China, is China did not even have a a people's Liberation Army Navy that was big. Now they can appropriate a civilian shipping from communist China and use roll-on roll-off ships but they have in their inventory just like you can call up airliners and to be used to Ferry troops in a war.
How are us Admirals have admitted that we could be in war with China in next 6 years and we will have to see what the Chinese party Congress says but I think it's more than rhetoric this time because of all the island Corregidor defenses with Landing strips built in the spratly island area of operation.

The Chinese Premier is probably going to be president for life like Vladimir Putin and he may be consolidating as a megalomaniac. Never rule out contingencies.

Also, China has been building so many missile silos using the Shell game approach. Their nuclear forces are growing and they want to make us guess which Silo has a nuclear missile or not.

That's why I keep saying that climate change is not the biggest threat especially when Russia intimidates former neutral countries like Sweden and Finland.

The Earth is going to warm up unless you let a limited nuclear war at 20 years of global cooling that will destroy crops and caused Millions to die.

Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SGT Charlie Lee SPC Nancy Greene SPC Joshua Blotzer PO2 Marco Monsalve PO2 Marco Monsalve SGT (Join to see)
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