Posted on May 3, 2022
Report Details More Than 9,000 Drone Incursions, Operators Invade US Airspace to Surveil American...
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 5
CWO4 Terrence Clark
Maj Robert Thornton A good job for the Guard. Most of us have stopped or curtailed hunting/fishing/camping near the border. Cartels are serious.
We have stopped driving the 15 south thru Hermosillo to visit family and check on our property.
We have stopped driving the 15 south thru Hermosillo to visit family and check on our property.
SGT (Join to see)
Maj Robert Thornton - We could shoot them down, sell it back to them, and shoot them again. "What Fun" 22LR flack, I'll take any bet on who can hit the most.
While this is about drones its a serious problem.
The current administration is trying to break America in order to weaken our democracy and the current way we do things in America. The border is just one way to do that by over riding the laws that protect our country's sovereignty.
I know it all sounds tin foil hat but the goal of the WEF is to install a global governance where corporations will become the policy makers via "stakeholder capitalism".
For many this might sound all warm and fuzzy, but what this actually means is giving corporations more power over society, and democratic institutions less.
Its their way of slowly eroded laws of a sovereign country and applying their global governance.
Think about how twitter and other social media platforms control, sensor, ban or shadow ban individuals and that's just about what information is "allowed" to be shared on social media.
Its the WEF's global governance approach to free speech.
From the founding fathers, the constitution, our institutions like the White House and Supreme Court our country in under siege. Its all part of a massive power grab by globalist in creating an elite democracy that's sugar coated with equitable outcomes and other noble sound bites.
Elite theory argues that democracy is a utopian folly
Elite theory opposes pluralism (more than one system of power)
The basic characteristics of this theory is that power is concentrated, the elites are unified, the non-elites are diverse (identity politics) and powerless.
Again think of how the technocrats worked together to lie to millions of people (hunter Biden laptop story) in order to get their guy that will further their globalist agenda elected.
What we need to do is demand that centralized power be broken up - its the only way to combat it - power is concentrated, the elites are unified, they engage in identity politics and use it to divide and conquer in order to make the non-elites powerless.
Its not a new problem - think bourgeoisie and proletariat - however this time instead of trying to suppress the sociopolitical challenges of the lower classes they lie and say this is how we the elites will end your sociopolitical problems. In allowing us to decide how to govern we will decide what's best for the non-elites - trust us we know what you need to know, we know how you need to live, we know what you should be allowed to say and so on. This approach not only preserves the economic status quo but makes it damn near impossible to undo.
The current administration is trying to break America in order to weaken our democracy and the current way we do things in America. The border is just one way to do that by over riding the laws that protect our country's sovereignty.
I know it all sounds tin foil hat but the goal of the WEF is to install a global governance where corporations will become the policy makers via "stakeholder capitalism".
For many this might sound all warm and fuzzy, but what this actually means is giving corporations more power over society, and democratic institutions less.
Its their way of slowly eroded laws of a sovereign country and applying their global governance.
Think about how twitter and other social media platforms control, sensor, ban or shadow ban individuals and that's just about what information is "allowed" to be shared on social media.
Its the WEF's global governance approach to free speech.
From the founding fathers, the constitution, our institutions like the White House and Supreme Court our country in under siege. Its all part of a massive power grab by globalist in creating an elite democracy that's sugar coated with equitable outcomes and other noble sound bites.
Elite theory argues that democracy is a utopian folly
Elite theory opposes pluralism (more than one system of power)
The basic characteristics of this theory is that power is concentrated, the elites are unified, the non-elites are diverse (identity politics) and powerless.
Again think of how the technocrats worked together to lie to millions of people (hunter Biden laptop story) in order to get their guy that will further their globalist agenda elected.
What we need to do is demand that centralized power be broken up - its the only way to combat it - power is concentrated, the elites are unified, they engage in identity politics and use it to divide and conquer in order to make the non-elites powerless.
Its not a new problem - think bourgeoisie and proletariat - however this time instead of trying to suppress the sociopolitical challenges of the lower classes they lie and say this is how we the elites will end your sociopolitical problems. In allowing us to decide how to govern we will decide what's best for the non-elites - trust us we know what you need to know, we know how you need to live, we know what you should be allowed to say and so on. This approach not only preserves the economic status quo but makes it damn near impossible to undo.
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