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Responses: 2
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
Putin wanted more than anything a divided, destabilized US. He saw Trump doing that more or less on his initiative so he played nice. I do believe this invasion would have still happened with Trump in the White House once Putin no longer had to worry about Trump getting re-elected.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
1SG Jason Hastings attacking Ukraine during trump’s first term would have hurt Trump’s chances at reelection because voters are stupid. Trump spent an awful lot of time talking about how tough he would be on despotic world leaders and letting Putin walk into Ukraine would have damaged that image. This is not a difficult concept to grasp
CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
Trump can't help himself when it comes to Putin

Every time the president has a chance to cast aside doubts about his relationship with the Russian leader, he does the opposite.

By ANITA KUMAR 06/28/2019 06:59 AM EDT
OSAKA, Japan — Since Donald Trump's first day in office, Russia has loomed over his presidency. Yet every time he’s had a chance to cast aside people's doubts, Trump does the opposite.

During a March 2018 phone call, Trump congratulated President Vladimir Putin on his reelection, despite rampant allegations of fraud and even his own aides'

all-caps warning: "DO NOT CONGRATULATE."

At a gathering of world leaders several months later, Trump reportedly said the contested Crimea region in Ukraine is Russian, despite his own administration's condemnation over Moscow's annexation of the area. And at a summit in Helsinki the following month, Trump appeared to accept Putin's election meddling denials, despite the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that Putin himself orchestrated the interference campaign.



Trump’s wet kiss to Putin seals a new world order

The president has upended the global definitions of friends and foes.



15 times Donald Trump praised authoritarian rulers

Analysis by Chris Cillizza and Brenna Williams, CNN
Updated 1:33 PM EDT, Tue July 02, 2019


CPL LaForest Gray
CPL LaForest Gray
>1 y
Russian Flags Over an American Base

Trump’s reckless Syria policy makes America less safe and empowers Putin’s Russia.

SOURCE : https://www.americanprogress.org/article/russian-flags-american-base/

“In a dismaying symbol of how this vacuum has been filled, Russian troops actually raised the Russian flag over Kobani airfield after they took command of the former U.S. airbase—an image that has already been played up by the Russian propaganda machine.

In addition to these immediate concerns, there are the long-term effects that will play out for years to come, such as the doubt cast on America’s reliability as a security partner and the troubling signal that U.S. foreign policy prioritizes protecting oil over human life.”
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
1SG Jason Hastings is realville what you’re calling the space under trump’s desk these days?
CWO4 Terrence Clark
1SG Jason Hastings
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
PO2 Marco Monsalve
Perfect response on your part. I don't think so. His opinions..
He has long been a pro conflict neo-con who did not fit into the Trump team. He became an ardent never Trumper when not given the position he wanted. Of course, none of us know for a fact. Who really knows what happened at DC frat parties.
PO2 Marco Monsalve
PO2 Marco Monsalve
>1 y
Yup, I've heard a number of conflicting opinions on that and as you say, none of us know for a fact.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
Well, you can vote for someone without publicly s*cking their d*ck on the internet…
Sgt John Steinmeier
Sgt John Steinmeier
>1 y
Yeah just look here on RP there is about a dozen of the usual suspects
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