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Responses: 4
SSG Michael Noll
4.09 for a gallon of regular WTF over!!! Open the XL pipeline and get all that oil out of the Dakota's too!
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
Still need some convincing on oil reserve releases, in favor of increased production to include fast tracking refinerys. Long term should include nuclear.
MSgt Operations Intelligence
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - Yup. That is so true.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi Probably more than you wanted to know. If I read this correctly, we've got the good stuff right here in Minnesota and the Gulf.
SPC Lyle Montgomery
SPC Lyle Montgomery
>1 y
This meme is a good one
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PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
Electric vehicles will be here fully in less than 8 years. At some point manufacturers will stop making ICE'S all together. Yes we need more oil now but we can do it while working towards a gas free future.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
PFC (Join to see) And you have a rational, reasoned response recognizing a needed mix. Unfortunately the present administration does not. I would be surprised if wind and solar were ever to be the sole power source as envisioned. Although you can find articles that support just about any opinion, to my mind, those that address the hurdles still to be overcome ring truest. While wind generation solutions have been around for decades and solar cells improve daily, output storage is still elusive. Batteries are probably the poorest storage media given the weight, re charge time, environmental cost of mining component materials, source country of materials, recycling technology, and more. Some of those are solvable, some are enherent. There are thoughts of large lakes high in the hills with windmills/solar farms pumping water uphill into the lake to power turbines at night or cloudy weather. Which requires the destruction of native habitat in a time when greenies are pushing to have dams removed. And requires a water source to move. I sold 7.5 acres between Buckeye and Salome last summer to a solar company for their solar farm. They scalped that and about 1200 more acres of virgin desert to cover it with glass panels. Not too green. Another thought is to have wind and solar crack water and bottle the hydrogen. You just need to check environmental changes around desalination plants to see drawbacks there. In short I agree with you that wind and solar is a long term goal that needs a energy mix, including nuclear, until electrical storage is solved. In a free country, the market will solve that. In a free country we do not need the government picking winners and losers.

BTW, is boomer supposed to be an insult, or disparagement?
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
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CWO4 Terrence Clark no insult directed I could say baby boomer, or boomer. I also stated gen x. That's my parents. I'm just putting anyone over 55 together. You won't see us hit emissions free. It will happen in 40-60 years id wager.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
>1 y
PFC (Join to see)
Just remember -- your parents and the rest of us boomers brung you up and changed your Pampers!! :-)) :-))
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
CWO4 Terrence Clark Just like yall yelled at us to get off your lawns :=))
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