Protest convoy arrives in Ottawa for major demonstration
FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 TRUCKERS Today in OTTAWA January 29 2022
#FreedomConvoy2022 #Truckers #CanadaFREEDOM CONVOY 2022 TRUCKERS Today in OTTAWA January 29 2022Freedom Convoy at Parliament of Canada on January 29 2022#tru...
CSM Charles Hayden MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Cpl Mark A. Morris Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis 1SG Dan Capri Cpl (Join to see) CPL Ronald Keyes Jr MSgt (Join to see) SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSgt (Join to see) LTC Stephen C. MAJ Hugh Blanchard SSG Doyle Hulse
Trudeau goes missing as the Freedom Rally crushes his political fortunes
Canadian Truckers have been protesting against the vaccine mandate forced on them by the Trudeau administration.
Canada's 'Freedom Convoy': Thousands protest against vaccine mandates in in Ottawa
What began as a protest by truckers against a vaccine requirement to carry loads between Canada and the United States brought thousands of people to the Cana...