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Responses: 3
SPC Les Darbison
I'm surprised I'm the first one to comment on this post. It's one more reason not to trust BIDEN and his administration. Or give much value to the media and the sheep that eat the slop the Dems feed them. Like voting rights. How many Ppl have been refused the right to vote because they didn't have a valid Id? I have never seen a number touted by anyone on the left!
SPC Terry Page
SPC Terry Page
3 y
Yeah... propaganda works like that. When you can't prove it with easily verifiable facts you can get away with it. Apathy, ignorance and stupidity make attractive targets for the purveyors of propaganda... the ("Advocacy so-called journalists") and less than honorable politicians.
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CPT Consultant
And some —> Pro/No/Yes/Maybe *Union* Joe @ Youtube link.

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LTC Stephen F.
Belated thank you my second-amendment advocate friend SGT (Join to see) for posting the perspective from americas1stfreedom.org author Frank Minter

I look forward to the 2022 midterm election results which most likely will be shot across the bow of radical progressives to deflate their hopes to achieve their radical agenda :-)

Background from {{[americas1stfreedom.org/articles/2022/1/22/two-faced]]
We are all familiar with the idea that lies can grow. It is, however, doubtful any of us have ever told a fib that grew as big as the Left’s lie about America’s gun-owning public. Simply stated, this lie claims that all of America’s armed citizens are to blame for the illegal behavior of criminals who use guns.
It is easy to see why politicians such as President Joe Biden (D) are attracted to this falsehood, as it empowers those who use it to take away our right to keep and bear arms, which then gives them the control of the public they desire. Meanwhile, despite all the facts that dispel this lie, they have powerful messengers to spread and defend it in the mainstream media, Hollywood and academia.
Nevertheless, the trouble people like Biden have with selling this deception is that, in order to get around the “shall not be infringed” simplicity of the Second Amendment and all the real data related to crime and gun ownership in America, they’ve had to grow this lie into something so big it is no longer even a fake narrative, but has become a dystopian-type fiction so far from the truth that an increasing number of people just aren’t buying it.
The size of this lie makes it easy to contrast with the real, nonfiction story of America’s lawful gun owners. As this is an important contrast to make, let’s start with Biden’s fiction.

President Biden’s Fiction
First, we should be clear that Biden isn’t all that responsible for creating the Left’s dishonest narrative about America’s lawfully armed citizens. Biden has never been the kind of politician who can formulate big, new visions. No, Biden is the type of elected official who blows along with the political winds within his party. But, as president, he presides over this narrative. He repeats it. He lives it. He promotes legislation to further it. He says it is true. So, as he is its champion, we’ll hang it on him.
And what a narrative it is. In this story of contemporary America, the good are bad, and the bad, if not good, are just misunderstood. Indeed, law-abiding gun owners are cast as villains in this fiction, at least as people seduced by objects deemed too dangerous for non-government officials to own or carry.

This fiction has it that the 42% of American homes Gallup says have guns in them are less safe than those without guns; in fact, all of our nation’s legal gun owners are actually the reason why gang members from Los Angeles to New York City can get their criminal hands on guns, says this misinformation. The only way out of this dangerous situation is for every one of America’s 100-million-plus gun owners to give up their semi-automatic rifles, their pistols—especially 9 mms, says Biden—and, well, the Left will let us know what else citizens can’t have when they get around to expanding their list of politically incorrect guns.

Law-abiding gun owners are cast as villains in the fiction being pushed by President Joe Biden.
In a wild example of the outlandishness of this ever-growing lie, in 2013, after arguing that American citizens shouldn’t be able to own popular semi-automatic rifles, Biden actually told Field & Stream: “Well, you know, my shotgun will do better for you than your AR-15, because you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”
The mainstream media doesn’t like to remind people of the countless bizarre—and in this case, dangerous—quotes from Biden. Instead, they prefer to go along with the notion that, while armed citizens are dangerous, most criminals are just misunderstood. They’re mostly just socioeconomically disadvantaged people, you know. Have a heart. Prosecuting them is so counter-productive anyway. We can’t prosecute “everyone who lies on a form,” Biden once said while referring to the ATF Form 4473, a background-check form people must fill out before purchasing a gun from a dealer.
There are other exceptions baked into Biden’s story of America’s gun owners. Private-security details should be able to get handguns and carry permits to protect very important people, of course. Also, the important people with the right connections should be able to get carry permits, even as common folk are denied their right to self-defense.
And if one of the elite messes up? Well, the president’s son, Hunter Biden, appears to have violated federal law when he purchased a .38-caliber revolver from a Federal Firearms Licensee (gun dealer) on Oct. 12, 2018. According to Politico, he checked a box on the federal form saying he was not habitually using illegal narcotics, when, in fact, as his own autobiography would later say, he was. Of course, that can be made to go away. He is not, after all, one of the serfs in this society. He is one of the elite crowd and so must be shielded from the legal system.'
FYI SFC Boots Attaway MAJ Wayne Wickizer MAJ Bob Miyagishima CMDCM John F. "Doc" Bradshaw Sgt (Join to see) SPC Nancy Greene SPC Diana D. SFC William Farrell SMSgt Lawrence McCarter MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. SSG William Jones PO3 Edward Riddle CPL Patrick Rasmussen SPC Les Darbison
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
I could not agree more. Biden spreads lies even after he has been burned for spreading the same lie before.
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