Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I'm a member of the OK2A (Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association) Our organization has played a major part in what our state has approved concerning our rights. So far as I know we are the only state to nullify and prevent Red Flag laws. Many laws concerning guns has been changed due to the diligence of our group. We have nullified the pressures from groups like mothers against guns by the vote. Our state reps and federal reps are Republican and we have the 10th amendment to help us counteract the feds when it comes to retaining our rights.
That case should never have gone to trial. It totally traumatized that young man. And even the POTUS is saying he’s disappointed in his acquittal . I hope he sues those dastardly dummycrats until their cows come home.
SPC Joseph Kopac
There are a lot of traumatized people over this LT. I just wonder why he decided to bring along a assault rifle.
SGT Steve McFarland
SPC Joseph Kopac He didn't bring an "assault rifle", he brought an AR-15. An "assault rifle" is a selective fire weapon, an AR-15 is a semiautomatic sporting rifle...big difference.
1LT Voyle Smith
The term “assault rifle” has never been legally defined. A rifle can be semi-automatic, in which one pull of the trigger produces a single discharge, or it can be fully automatic, in which a single pull of the trigger can produce multiple discharges. “Assault rifle” isn’t part of either of those terms SGT Steve McFarland
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