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Responses: 5
LTC David Brown
I hope so, I want him to own the Biden campaign, and the alphabet soup news services plus a bunch of pompous legacy newspapers.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
I hope so.
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PFC Kimberly Staiti
It's horrific to me that someone could:
break curfew
drive 20 MILES
cross a state line
pre-arrange access to an AR-15
LIE about his EMT training
LIE about his reasons
shoot 2 people ~dead~
shoot a 3rd person (real medic)
and STILL walk free

SPC Joseph Kopac
SPC Joseph Kopac
>1 y
Why people roam around slinging military style weapons is beyond me. Makes me wonder about their intentions.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Amazing to me cops could stand around and watch people destroy property, attack people and set fires and the police did NOTHING. Amazing to me that the four social justice warriors all had criminal records. Child rape, domestic abuse, harassing an ex-girl friend, beating and kicking an ex girl friend . It is amazing a medic would need to illegally carry a hand gun.. the supposed real medic was not licensed. Rittenhouse worked in Kanosha and his father and several other relatives lived in Kanosha.
PFC Kimberly Staiti
PFC Kimberly Staiti
>1 y
LTC David Brown pretty much sums it up. It was a hot mess. Adding firearms to anger and confusion is (and was) catastrophic.
PFC Kimberly Staiti
PFC Kimberly Staiti
>1 y
SPC Joseph Kopac Thank you for overlooking my rant. Your words are way better than my own. Maybe I'm tripping because I've seen the results of bullets. Or because of civilian/rookie mistakes. Or being in line behind someone who shouldered an AR-15 on each shoulder AND wore a sidearm on both hips AND had another one tucked in the back of his pants. (What? What's wrong with that?!) Maybe I'm a control freak who is having a hard time coping with the inability to keep my son from experiencing gun violence. A "stray" round entered his room through a sliding glass door because an angry girlfriend missed one of seven shots at the guy upstairs. I don't know. Gun safety has been part of my entire life. Did I miss the chapter: Walking Around STRAPPED For Safety
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