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Responses: 4
SFC Intelligence Analyst
Edited 3 y ago
What proof do you have that he raped anyone? The only thing I find when I search is from some homophobic person from the "Liberty Counsel." Matt Barber. He made the following statement when Milk was put on a stamp:

"Harvey Milk was known as a pederast,” Barber told One News Now. “That's a man who in his mid-30s had a sexual appetite for teenage boys as young as 15 years old.”

He continued: "Harvey Milk was demonstrably, categorically an evil man based on his rape of teenage boys, And the fact that our U.S. government would be commemorating and recognizing him as some kind of hero really just boggles the mind.”

Yet I find no type of articles written about this, not even by other conservative outlets. Barber is also the same person who said that adoption rights for same sex couples is "egocentric" and "purchasing children." He also said the LGBTQIA community is a "cancer that brings down societies" and implied same sex marriage was somehow connected to the flood reference in the Bible dealing with Noah's Ark.

So please spare us when your sole source on Milk being a "child rapist" comes from some anti-homosexual bigot with no sources, no evidence and no facts.

As far as Jim Jones and Jonestown - the true extent of his relationship with People's Temple may never be fully known since he was killed around the same time that mass suicide happened. From what I have read he did advocate for People's Temple - but also that Jim Jones was a master manipulator known for using unwitting local politicians to gain power for himself. Also not everyone in that cult were bad people. They just got suckered by a con man. As did, it appears, some politicians like Milk.
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SrA John Monette
A person is allowed, by the US Constitution, to support ANY religion they want. Just because you don't agree doesn't make them wrong.
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PFC David Foster
Rumors from homophobic people don't make it true.... There is no record of him committing a crime, and not only is there a ship named after him, he received a Presidential Metal of Freedom.
CWO4 Terrence Clark
CWO4 Terrence Clark
3 y
PFC David Foster MCPO Hilary Kunz As usual, there are different points of view. Doesn't make one "homophobic". Like this christening, the PMF was a travesty to make a political point. But, as they say, history is written by the winners.
PFC David Foster
PFC David Foster
3 y
CWO4 Terrence Clark - I saw the movie, I hardly remember it though.... I saw Sean Penn also play the part of a hick running for the governor of Louisiana and winning. I think it was Louisiana, it could have been Mississippi or something else, deep south anyway... I believe he won an Academy Award for that one and I remember that one but not the one about Milk.

You said "the PMF was a travesty to make a political point"... what is "PMF"? (probability mass function perhaps).

The article you posted said he got an honorable discharge and I can't find anything about any crimes he was committed of... He was a gay Mayor of San Francisco at a time when being gay was looked down on by a lot of people, and he was murdered over a political disagreement. In his position at that time in the history of the gay movement, there would have been an unbelievable amount of homophobic rumors going around at that time... Even if he had been an innocent priest, he would have been painted to be a monster...
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
3 y
PFC David Foster - he resigned his commission as a Lt Junior Grade and received a less than honorable discharge CWO4 Terrence Clark
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