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Responses: 7
SPC David S.
I said this about 20 minutes after the news broke about a pandemic coming out of Wuhan.

Not that hard to connect the dots - a pandemic originating from a virus that came from bat coming from Wuhan which has the world's number one lab where research on viruses in bats is located - that has a history of leaks - socked - not really - should be expected.

Yet I and others get called whacko for merely suggesting the NIH, Eco Health and others were doing gain of research at this lab. This is just one of the the big dangers big tech poses - they attempt to silence anyone that dares to think differently than their dig tech narrative.

As for the US and our experts - talk about job security - NIH funding research that makes the likelihood of pandemics more likely so they can do research to prevent pandemics.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
And those who said it earlier were called liars, crazies, etc
Cpl Software Engineer
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3 y
and we will still be called conspiracy nuts, liars, unpatriotic, etc. if we offer the obvious.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Americans helping the enemy. What's that called Sir?
I watched a movie last night made in 2016 with Tom Hanks. It is called Inferno. We are lucky the CHICOMMS did not use the 15% death rate SARS virus. It would have been closer to the movie.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
China is not an "enemy" in the legal sense. Hell, under Trump they had "Most Favored Nation" (now called "Permanent Normal Trade Relations") for his entire term.
Cpl Software Engineer
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I believe it was a bioweapon program. The virus and it's mRNA shots are a trojan horse used to manipulate people into compliance. They world is their lab now. Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but we've seen these tactics played out in several countries during the 20th century. The tactics were detailed in Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
3 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Agreed. But the following information is some of the reasons China should not be granted most favored Nation.
o Uses or provides for the use of slave labor;

o Operates ‘vocational training and education centers’ or other concentration camps where people are held against their will;

o Performs or otherwise orders forced abortion or sterilization procedures;

o Harvests the organs of prisoners without their consent;

o Hinders the free exercise of religion;

o Intimidates or harasses nationals of the People’s Republic of China living outside the People’s Republic of China; or

o Engages in systematic economic espionage against the United States, including theft of the intellectual property of United States persons

These listed topics do not read like China is very friendly. But, in a legal sense, they are not an enemy.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
3 y
Cpl Mark A. Morris - I agree with all of your reasons. So why did Trump keep them as a MFN/PNTR?
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