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Responses: 2
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
What the Soviet Union was looking for anyway, taking over other countries and spreading Communism. Now We are seeing that right here at home with the spread of Marxist Socialism/Communism in the United States, some people NEVER learn !
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
Yup, starting with our current Attorney General Merit Garland and his attempted Nazi like takeover of local school boards using the FBI. Thank God this guy was never appointed to the Supreme Court. What a moron, what a moron of a POTUS to appoint him.
SPC Terry Page
SPC Terry Page
3 y
Well, SMSgt Lawrence McCarter it falls on us to teach them because they certainly aren't getting everything we do stand for in the public school system or most of higher academia.
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MAJ Roland McDonald
Having served in northern germany 86-89. We use to drive to Berlin. First having to get general orders. Then proceeding to check point alpha at the inter-German border east of Hanover. Going through mp checkpoint first then the Soviet checkpoint next. Had 2-5 hours to make the drive from. Checkpoint alpha to checkpoint bravo at the east german border and the west berlin border. If you got there faster than 2 hours MP's gave you a speeding ticket. If you didn't make it in 5 hours they sent out a search party. If pulled over by east german police we were lock doors and windows closed and hold up a placard requesting a soviet officer. Once in west berlin we would put on our uniform to cross at the infamous checkpoint Charlie. As berlin was still an occupied city by the four powers. West was American, British, French zone. East was soviet zone. In fact still have some currency from former east block countries. My kids used them at show and tell in school along with our piece from the berlin wall. Those were fun times..... lol
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