Posted on Sep 19, 2021
Gen. Jack Keane: Be leery of Milley 'sensationalism'
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
I am withholding judgement. I said yesterday, if PROVEN, he should be dealt with accordingly. I am not there yet with this situation. However, as far as I am concerned both he and Austin should have departed along with our troops from Afghanistan. They either screwed it up or they knew it was badly run and failed to convince the C in C...either way, they were worse than useless.
SSG Samuel Kermon
I am beginning to think General Milley is guilty. My belief comes from his own statement that he did make the calls to his Chinese counterpart. He is trying to justify his actions but clearly he didn't follow protocol with regards to his own chain of command. That seems to put the rest of his actions in a seriously bad light.
SPC Erich Guenther
I agree with you about Austin and DoD spokesperson Kirby, both have lied openly to the public and niether one seem to really care. Not so sure about Milley I think he has been as honest as he could be within the confines of the JCS position.
I seem to remember a certain retired General who talked to his Russian counterpart and ended up in Democratic hell for 4 years because of it. If this is BS I hope Milley gets exonerated. The acting Secretary of defense said he know nothing about the calls. If Milley had people swear allegiance to go through him before caring out orders then he is guilty of insubordination at the least. The fun thing about this is how quickly Democrats decide the things in tell all books might not be true. I remember statements attributed to Trump published in books from anonymous sources with no substantiation being accepted as absolute truth.
CW2 Michael MacInerney
Like the Grand Jury indictment of Sussman and others about the harm they did to the USA for political reasons. General Milley chose to serve President Trump and had a choice to resign. My belief is a military person must not conspire secretly against their leader whom they disagree with politically. Either confront the leader, report to higher, but do not become friendly with the enemy. Since reports support the charges against him, at least he should step down and let the military get back to their real job. If one would try to get soldiers to listen to them about how bad they thought their commander was UCMJ would likely be used.
CWO3 (Join to see)
Don't forget that Flynn was not in any office at the time, working outside the current Obama administration. This needs to be said. Big difference i.e. Logan Act.
LTC Trent Klug
CWO3 (Join to see) The accepted principle you're forgetting is he was the named incoming NSA. Precedent was they were allowed to make contact.
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