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Responses: 12
Lt Col Charlie Brown
He's either a liar or he is further down the dementia road than we know.
LTC Robert Vanauken
LTC Robert Vanauken
3 y
I'd go with both options.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D.
3 y
Based on his track record, I'd say it's both. . . .
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SPC Erich Guenther
Lets say he is being honest here and that is how it happened. It is still his job as Commander in Chief to check on those advised assessments and see if they are correct. He has a phone on his desk that can reach any combatant commander on the ground in Afghanistan. Additionally, he can call his allies in the allied force and see what their generals think. And again he is pointing fingers here after stating the buck stops with him. Either he feels he is responsible or he does not. He needs to decide and quit waffling. He looks like a fool to the rest of the world with the public waffling and finger pointing.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
3 y
MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi - Rock, you are correct. I was just responding to all the ridiculous responses of the Trump cult members.
PO3 Kevin Stephen
PO3 Kevin Stephen
3 y
MSG Stan Hutchison
Cant even compare them totally different ideological motives. Trumps policies helped anyone who wasnt afraid to work. Trump is a Capitalist. Its insane to even compare the atrocities that the dictators like Hitler and Mussolini committed.
I say your full of MSNBC propaganda!
Back to the Subject that this thread is under Your elected political woke free lunch administration is failing on all fronts.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
3 y
PO3 Kevin Stephen - Have a nice day.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - I don't remember the trains running on time in the United States under Trump do you?.
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1SG Dennis Hicks
He can deny all he wants his record speaks volumes about how he can never speak the truth, between that and his dementia he is a train wreck. Anyone that thinks he is good for this country needs to reevaluate the word GOOD.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
3 y
It's just scary he went through a thought process that traded 10,000 American lives for an idealogical position. We have not seen this on planet Earth since Chairman Mao or Joseph Stalin. First time I have seen a democratically elected leader make such a flawed decision. Even though he reversed the decision, the fact he crossed that red line in the first place is scary.
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