Posted on Jul 27, 2021
APOD: 2021 July 27 - Flemings Triangular Wisp
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
Cygnus Loop | Western Veil | Eastern Veil | Pickering's Triangle
The Cygnus Loop is a large supernova remnant in the Cygnus constellation. It is an emission nebula lying at a distance of about 2500 ly. The whole structure ...
MY APOLOGIES TO YOU ALL!!! I inadvertently forgot to append the link to the video - SORRY!
Good Tuesday morning Maj William W. 'Bill' Price and thank you for another superb APOD for this fine day! This is a tantalizing image and although this image was released as Fleming's Triangular Wisp, you mentioned that it is also named Pickering's Triangle and has several components...
I was able to find what I consider a gem of a video the is titled the Cygnus Loop | Western Veil | Eastern Veil | Pickering's Triangle and I bring this to you and your many followers as a beautiful adjunct video to show more of this Tantalizing Triangular Wisp!!! I know whomever watches this will love it!! I recommend watching this FULL SCREEN WITH SOUND APPROPRIATE... for maximum astronomy effect...
Good Tuesday morning Maj William W. 'Bill' Price and thank you for another superb APOD for this fine day! This is a tantalizing image and although this image was released as Fleming's Triangular Wisp, you mentioned that it is also named Pickering's Triangle and has several components...
I was able to find what I consider a gem of a video the is titled the Cygnus Loop | Western Veil | Eastern Veil | Pickering's Triangle and I bring this to you and your many followers as a beautiful adjunct video to show more of this Tantalizing Triangular Wisp!!! I know whomever watches this will love it!! I recommend watching this FULL SCREEN WITH SOUND APPROPRIATE... for maximum astronomy effect...
Cpl Vic Burk
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth Interesting comparison Brother. Wish I had thought of that.
Glad to see a woman get recognition for her work! Thanks and good morning Maj William W. 'Bill' Price
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