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SSG Samuel Kermon
I agree with him. The best line, to me, in the article I'd tge one that goes "an armed society is a polite society." Very true.
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CW3 Harvey K.
Posted this before, here it is again.
"May issue" CCW laws = Crooked cop racket.
Back in the '50s when organized crime held a convention in Apalachin, NY, a dozen or so of the "super hoodlums" rounded up there had pistol permits, in spite of their reputations and records. The host of the "convention" was Joe (The Barber) Barbara, whose pistol permit application included a letter describing his "good character" by a local police chief.
The more recent scandal of police peddling CCW permits is certainly nothing new. What was the solution implemented to stop that crap? I heard that now a police Captain is the minimum rank to approve applications, no more mere Patrolmen or Sergeants. I suspect that the only effect of such a "solution" will be to increase the $ amount of the bribes to match the higher rank of the person to be bribed.

P S --- I served with a NYC LEO, who had the duty of initial process of gun permit applications. He related how he had fantastic luck one day. Over half the applications he was to process were submitted in blue ballpoint. The regulations required applications be typed, or in black ink, so half his workload went directly into the wastebasket.
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SGT Steve McFarland
Last time I checked, the 2nd Amendment isn't about "need", it enumerates and protects a RIGHT.
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