Posted on Jul 2, 2021
Thomas Sowell Brings the World into Focus through an Economics Lens
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish Sowell has many readers and advocates. Regretfully, he has few listeners. Sowell’s message continues to fall on the ears of deaf politicians.
Sowell is brilliant. I am a great admirer of his and he always seems to distill things down so anyone who is willing to listen can understand.
Unless someting is done, the Country I served will come to an end. CRT is designed to change our country. This started with Obama, he stated he wanted to radically change our country. You can't change history, but you can learn from history. What we have learned is socialism doesn't work. I am white and proud of it. What I have I had to get my ass out and work hard for it. I never got put forward, advantages in life, unless I made them. What we are experiencing didn't start over night. It took time to get the teachers educated and put in place in our schools to teach this. This has been a long term goal of the Democrats/Leftists to radically change our country. It is up to Americans who love our country to stand up for what is right.
SGT (Join to see)
Sell since you are white you have had a privilege others did not.
As to your socialism remsrk I hate to break it to you but we are a socialist country with a little communism and capitalism throw into the mix. So quit lying to yourself and wake up.
As to your socialism remsrk I hate to break it to you but we are a socialist country with a little communism and capitalism throw into the mix. So quit lying to yourself and wake up.
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