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Responses: 10
Lt Col Charlie Brown
We are going to have a revolution in this country (for the second time) if this is true.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
>1 y
Perhaps. But then question becomes where does one stand. There will not be an oppotunity to sit on the fence this time.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
>1 y
MCPO Rogers Glen Brewer, Sr. Agreed sir. That places the two of us on the side of freedom and the Constitution.
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It’s really sort of disgusting to see veterans running to dissolve the constitution and the rule of law because they don’t feel comfortable with how a democracy is ran.
Sgt Print Journalist
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SFC Kyle Paine It depends whether one feels there is still a democracy in the land or it’s been stolen from US. There’s 2 distinct sides to this matter.
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Sgt (Join to see) literally nothing was stolen. Sometimes the person you vote for doesn’t win. It doesn’t make the system less Democratic. It means the person with less votes loses.
SGT Whatever Needs Doing.
I would be more than happy to see SCOTUS intervene on behalf of the GOP concerning Election 2020. More importantly is to fix the system that allowed to happen as it did. Only Citizens are legally allowed to vote and then only once per candidate.
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